Since 2019, there has been even more pressure to create and maintain the architecture of offices - get to know the key documents and come to a workshop led by certified experts. No theory. Step by step, we will teach you to work with the TOGAF® + ArchiMate® framework in the practice of meeting the requirements of the Department of Chief Architect of the Ministry of the Interior.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual course09:00 - 10:30
Introduction to TOGAF
TOGAF Domains
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15
TOGAF tools
12:15 - 13:15
Lunch Lunch menu
13:15 - 14:45
Introduction to ArchiMate
14:45 - 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 - 17:00
Architectural views
ArchiMate extension
Modeling of EA + IT models
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15
Architectural patterns
12:15 - 13:15
Lunch Lunch Menu
13:15 - 14:45
Reference Models
14:45 - 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 - 17:00
Tips & Methodology
During the training, we will be happy to advise you on other issues related to the gradual introduction of architecture into your office.
At the workshop, we will explain how to fill in the official Forms of the Chief Architect's Department, how to work with the submitted Toolkit, and we place particular emphasis on explaining the creation of architectural models.
Trenér působí nejenom jako Approved Trainer a zároveň
Martin is not only an Approved Trainer but also:
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 335 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Nemám slov, skvělé.
Dávám 1*
Přínosné, praktické zaměření kurzu. Srozumitelný výklad.
Přínosný, zejména s ohledem na aktuálně vyžádané formuláře pro OHA.
Kurz formou workshopu byl zpracovaný velmi dobrým a interaktivním způsobem.
Kurz byl velice obsažný, vše skvěle vysvětlil a reagoval na dotazy. Odcházím se spoustou rad a dokumentů k nastudování, což hodnotím velice pozitivně. Kurz jsem si moc užila.
Praktické, užitečné, mohly jsme řešit náš konkrétní projekt, což usnadňuje jeho zpracování.
Perfektně podané a vysvětlené informace.
View the full list of reference clients.
We are available at +420 222 553 101 Always Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
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