BABOK® Foundation

Do you want to get into the role of a business analyst? And what should a proper business analysis look like? We will prepare you for this position, competence, related activities and responsibilities. Business analysis according to the international standard BABOK® Business Analysis Body of Knowledge. In the latest version published by the International Institute of Business Analysis - IIBA®. Part of the course is BABOK certification.

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Target audience

Business analysis according to BABOK® is intended for all those who realize that the timely implementation of value-added changes is essential to gaining a competitive advantage

Of course, the target group includes all those who are fundamentally involved in business analysis, ie perform the tasks of a business analyst: the role of Business Analyst, Business Architect, Process Owner, Process Analyst, Management Consultant, IT Analyst, etc ..

Roles that need to be decided quickly and correctly cannot be neglected :

  • Project, Program, Portfolio Manager,
  • Change Manager, Process Owner and Quality Assurance,
  • Then the multi-user roles - Business Subject Matter Expert and Key User.
Kurz pro Business Analytiky BABOK Foundation

Aims of the course

  • Learn best practice in business analysis
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of different approaches in this area
  • Use the BABOK methodology in the context of the current (or intended) position and company
  • Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate ways of applying principles, procedures and techniques


Identification of change requirements, their analysis, solution design and implementation of value-added ones are the key to the growth and survival of companies

By implementing change, we create new value in the form of improved business processes, products and services in response to changes in the business environment, but it is also about seizing opportunities and averting threats.

It is essential for the success of such solutions

  • Alignment of change initiatives with the company's strategy
  • Use of best practices in business analysis
  • Risk management, financial management and stakeholder expectations management
Business Analysis benefity


Day 1
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

BA | Business Analysis

  • Introduction of BA
  • Standard IIBA® BABOK®
  • Key principles of BABOK®

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

BA | Role

  • Business Analyst
  • BA role competence
  • Overview of knowledge areas
  • Principles of effective BA communication

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 15:00

Strategies and Plans

  • Planning & Monitoring
  • Strategic analysis

15:00 - 15:15

Coffee Break

15:15 - 16:45


  • Collection of change requests
  • BABOK “Elicitation and Collaboration”

16:45 - 17:00


  • Summary
  • Other questions

Day 2
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

Analysis and design

  • Requirements Analysis
  • BABOK Design Definition

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15


  • Solution Evaluation
  • Requirements Life Cycle Management

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 15:00

Solution Evaluation

  • Impact Assessment
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Aspects of Organizational Readiness

Summary and preparation for the exam

  • Application of procedures and techniques according to change
  • Critical areas and risks in the implementation of BA

15:00 - 15:15

Coffee Break

15:15 - 17:00


  • BABOK Foundation certification

BABOK Foundation is a comprehensive course for business analysts. The basic framework consists of BABOK. This intensive program includes practical scenarios, exercises, and advanced analysis techniques to help you master the principles of BA.

  • Block duration 45 minutes
  • Hours 16 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites



Petr Špatenka

Ing. Petr Špatenka, MBA, has been involved in business analysis for over 30 years. His courses will teach you advanced analysis, design, or implementation of strategic / conceptual / complex changes. Since 2011, he has repeatedly implemented practical workshops and accredited courses in the field of Business Analysis (based on BABOK frameworks) for companies from many industries. He has extensive experience from successful large-scale domestic and international projects in a number of European countries.

  • Telco (e.g. T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica) etc.
  • IT (e.g. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Gemalto, Monster)
  • Finance (e.g. Erste Bank Group, ING, KBC Group, Unicredit)


Business Analysis Foundation | BABOK Guide v3


BABOK Foundation certification

Successful graduates of the course will receive a Certificate in Business Analysis at the BABOK level®Foundation. As part of the certification, they must demonstrate practical knowledge of the principles and techniques of Business Analysis defined by the current valid version of BABOK® Guide, IIBA®.

The topics of the exam are:

  • Key areas of Business Analysis according to the BABOK standard®
  • The role and competencies of business analysts
  • Business Analysis Techniques

All about BABOK certification>

BABOK certifikace v úrovni Foundation

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 123 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Martin Š.
  • 24.07.24

Kurz mi pomohl lépe pochopit náplň práce a zodpovědnosti business analytika.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 09.07.24

Kurz považuji za zdařilý z pohledu náhledu do problematiky, tak z pohledu shrnutí znalostí pro již pracující business analytiky. Vše proběhlo v pořádku.

  • Marek Ř.
  • 09.07.24

Kurz byl pro mě velmi přínosný a odpověděl mi na otázky, na které jsem před školením nebyl schopen odpovědět. Školitel byl perfektní.

  • Kateřina R.
  • 09.07.24

Užitečný pro osobní rozvoj i praxi.

  • Aleš V.
  • 18.06.24

Výborný kurz, výborný lektor.

  • Natalija N.
  • 18.06.24

Kurz obsahově odpovídá očekávání. Velmi pozitivně vnímám především case-studies. Je to skvělý způsob jak si poznatky z kurzu utřídit a vyzkoušet jejich aplikaci v praxi. 

  • Zdeňka K.
  • 18.06.24

Velká spokojenost. Výborný lektor. Dost teoretické, ale počítám, že practitioner bude praktičtější. 

  • Vilém S.
  • 18.06.24

Dostal jsem dobré povědomí o metodice, technikách a kompetencích BA. Lektor byl výborný.

  • Martin G.
  • 18.06.24

Kurz byl profesionálně vedený s příklady z praxe, které pomohly objasnit problematiku. 

  • Helena Š.
  • 18.06.24

Výborný kurz, největším přínosem byli zajímavé praktické zkušenosti lektora. 

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