We will show you how business analysis helps in professional life. The pillar will be a recognized international standard published by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) - BABOK® (Business Analysis Book of Knowledge).

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Target audience

Business Analysis is a tool for successful managers

We present an introductory management course focused on business analysis and the use of the international standard BABOK, in the latest version published by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA).®)

The aim of the course is to acquaint participants with the role of business analysis in the process of change within the corporate environment, either within the company or at the client, and key principles and areas of the BABOK standard as tools for implementing best practice, ie best practices and techniques. in the field of business analysis.

BABOK Intro - úvod do byznys analýzy

Aims of the course

  • We will explain who uses Business Analysis and why
  • We will show the benefits of using BABOK © in a corporate environment
  • We will introduce you to the role of business analysis in the process of change
  • We will present the key principles and areas of the BABOK standard and management tool


Business analysis serves us to identify and implement the necessary changes

And to support the right decision-making on the basis of quality data

Very often, procedures and tools in the field of business analysis are chosen and used intuitively and inconsistently. Business analysts, IT and managers. The results then largely do not meet expectations. 

A huge advantage of BABOK®  is that it represents the best practice (a set of proven proven knowledge and recommendations) in the field of business analysis. The methodology is developed by IIBA® (International Institute of Business Analysis) in collaboration with a worldwide community of business analysts.

BABOK thus helps

  • Manage risks
  • Follow the principles of quality analysis
  • Maintain a strategic view and a clear concept
  • Prevent problems resulting from bad decisions
business analytik lepší práce


We focus on the analysis, design and implementation of strategic and / or complex changes in organizations. We have great references using BABOK® for needs

  • business process optimization
  • business analysis, IT implementation and IT management
  • purchasing management (strategies, organizations, processes and information systems)


13:00 - 14:30

BA Business Analysis

  • Key principles of BABOK®
  • Business Analysis vs. Project
  • _On Time, On Scope But, as expected? _
  • Introduction of the IIBA® BABOK® standard
  • The role of BA in the identification and implementation of changes

14:30 - 14:45

Coffee Break

14:45 - 16:15

Business Analyst

  • Competences and roles
  • Knowledge Areas
  • Application of BABOK® in the organization

16:15 - 16:45


  • IIBA® certification
  • Space for discussion, questions

The course introduces the basic concepts in the field of business analysis, the role and required competencies of a business analyst, the conceptual model (The Business Analysis Core Concept Model) and knowledge areas (Knowledge Areas) defined by the BABOK standard.

  • Block duration 45 minutes
  • Hours 4 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam No
  • Prerequisites



Petr Špatenka

Ing. Petr Špatenka, MBA, has been involved in business analysis for over 30 years. His courses will teach you advanced analysis, design, or implementation of strategic / conceptual / complex changes. Since 2011, he has repeatedly implemented practical workshops and accredited courses in the field of Business Analysis (based on BABOK frameworks) for companies from many industries. He has extensive experience from successful large-scale domestic and international projects in a number of European countries.

  • Telco (e.g. T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica) etc.
  • IT (e.g. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Gemalto, Monster)
  • Finance (e.g. Erste Bank Group, ING, KBC Group, Unicredit)


BABOK Intro™ Leaving Awards

BABOK® Intro™ (Leaving Awards) vydaný spol. TAYLLORCOX potvrzuje absolvování základního manažerského kurzu Business Analysis Book of Knowledge,v nejnovější verzi publikované International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®). 

BABOK Foundation

This course is not a prerequisite for the follow-up Business Analyst Foundation course.

BABOK CERTIFIKACE v úrovni Foundation

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 133 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Petr B.
  • 26.05.23

Lektor vedl Intro kurz metodiky BABOK velmi zajímavou formou, nečekal jsem, že i v rámci Intra budeme pracovat na 2 praktických zadáních, což kurz velmi zpestřilo a měli jsme možnost si udělat zpětnou vazbu na své znalosti. V kurzu jsem se rozhodl dále pokračovat a získat certifikaci.

  • Adéla K.
  • 21.06.22
Kurz byl super, pro mě to byla nová oblast, se kterou jsem dříve zkušenost neměla. Lektor byl super, zapojoval nás do "děje", kurz rychle utekl. Prošlo se vše důležité. Svižně s možností se vždy doptat nebo něco víc prodiskutovat. 
  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 26.06.20
  • AutoCont

Při on-line formě bych uvítal, kdybyste posílali alespoň PDF prezentace.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 19.05.20
  • Freelancer

Musím říct, že školeni po obsahové stránce se mi velmi líbilo, za ty 3 hodiny člověk získal základni vhled to tématiky, lektor byl taky znalý a a pedagogicky šikovny. Tišťené materiály posloužili výtečně.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 28.04.20
  • Freelancer

Na tomto intro kurzu mě nejvíce zaujal lektor, který se s námi podělil o zkušenosti z praxe. Zároveň jsem ocenil, že kurz byl orientován na praktické příklady než na teoretické „základy“.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 17.02.20
  • Trask Solutions


  • Luboš J.
  • 17.02.20
  • ČEZ

Velmi užitečné školení i když jen přehledné.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 17.02.20
  • Freelancer

Kurz splnil očekávání.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 19.11.19
  • Bisnode

Stručný vhled do problematiky.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 19.11.19
  • Bisnode

Velmi dobrý.

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