COBIT® Certification

COBIT 5 was designed for professionals working in the field of assurance, security, risk, privacy and compliance. It’s also an ideal option for business leaders and stakeholders involved in governing and managing information and information systems.

    COBIT<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Certification

    There are five separate COBIT 5 qualifications available – Foundation, Implementation, Assessment, NIST Standards using COBIT 5 (INCS) and COBIT Assessor for Security (AS). Here is a break-down of each qualification and the benefits each one provides:

    Foundation Level

    Achieving COBIT 5 Foundation enables you to demonstrate that you have the requisite knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance to be able to:

    • Understand the governance and management of enterprise IT
    • Assess the condition of your organization’s enterprise IT
    • Determine which elements of COBIT 5 would be suitable to implement

    Implementation Level

    Successfully undertaking the COBIT 5 Implementation certification will enable you to effectively apply COBIT 5 to address specific business problems, pain points, risk scenarios and trigger events within your organization. You will learn how to be versatile in applying and implementing COBIT 5 as necessitated by a variety of organizational or client scenarios.

    By achieving Implementation level certification you will understand:

    • Implementation challenges and potential implementation pitfalls
    • How to determine and assess current process capability
    • How to analyze enterprise drivers and latest best practices

    Assessor Level

    The COBIT 5 Assessor certification provides you with the best practice methods needed to guide implementation activities – supporting case studies are used throughout the course. You will learn how to effectively execute a process assessment and how to analyse the results.

    You’ll also learn how to utilize these results to achieve a variety of value adding benefits – such as improving processes, measuring the success of current or forecasted business goals, benchmarking and compliance.

    Having been awarded Assessor level certification you’ll understand:

    • How to carry out a process capability assessment using the Assessor Guide: Using COBIT 
    • How to identify and assess the roles and responsibilities in the process capability assessment process
    • How to apply the Process Assessment Model (PAM) while performing a process capability assessment.

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