Ethical Hacking Introduction

As an Ethical Hacker, you help an organization protect itself from cybercriminals by teaching you to think like a hacker. Through techniques such as penetration testing, code breaking, network hacking, you can help identify and secure vulnerabilities in your IT systems. Welcome to our introduction training!

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Target audience

Managers responsible for cyber security

Ethical Hacking Intro ™ is designed as a management course that introduces you to the issue of misuse of IT resources.

It is aimed at managers who need to get a quick and quality "briefing" of ethical hacking. It is also suitable for complete beginners, but also for other IT professionals. The course requires virtually no previous experience. It can be recommended to anyone who wants to strengthen the field of cyber security and start a career in these well-paid positions.

As a manager, you don't need to know unnecessarily detailed information on how to exploit a vulnerability. It takes years to master these unethical and often illegal practices. You are required to have at least a basic knowledge of information security and not create unnecessary security holes.

kybernetická bezpečnost

IT Security specialists

Hacking as a tool to strengthen security from scratch

We present a managerial cross-section that will outline to you in practice the benefits of the "Certified Ethical Hacking" certification course in the latest version. Certification will help you accelerate a career with an existing employer, or get to the top positions of HR & Recruitment agencies. What else will you learn?

  • What is ethical hacking
  • What are the types of vulnerabilities
  • Learn about a variety of open source applications to help you
  • How to use the knowledge to become one of the highest paid professionals
it security hacking

A course as a ticket to a better IT Security career

The demand for Ethical Hackers and other security roles for Security Manager, Administrator, Consultant, Architect, or Project Manager is huge.

CEH 10 is the fastest and most effective way to learn how to protect data in IT systems and help companies strengthen their security. CEH Intro will help you map everything you need to know and decide if this field and course is right for you.

Do something special for your career in cyber security. Gain the knowledge of an Ethical Hacker who can "break" IT systems, just like a real (black-hat) hacker. Hacking knowledge will help you protect your systems like a true security expert.

Ethical Hacking Introduction

Course objectives

  • Basic techniques of ethical hacking
  • We will show you how to scan for vulnerabilities
  • You will learn everything you need to complete the CEH 10 course

Why Ethical Hacking

Companies for which electronic information is a matter of existence are increasingly aware of the vulnerability that arises within - irresponsible behavior of employees. 

These organizations even consider it a basic entry course for every employee, whether you are in the position of accountant, project manager or director of the company.

Today, ICT represents a wide range (Hardware, Software, Networks, Cloud, Mobile Devices, Passwords and other sensitive personal data).

This course will teach you the basic concepts, techniques, processes, procedures that hackers use. 

penetrační testy


09:00 - 10:30

Introduction to hacking

  • Legislation
  • Types of hackers
  • Types of testing
  • Testing assignment process
  • Preparation of the environment for testing - lab

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

Hacking Demo

System Penetration

  • Vulnerabilities

Network Snifing

  • MITM attack
  • Etc.

Wifi Network

  • Hide wifi network
  • WEP, WPA, & WPA2
  • MAC address protection

Practical exercises

The course is an introduction to CEH 11, i.e. Certified Ethical Hacking in the latest version from the EC Council.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 4 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam No
  • Prerequisites



This is the best way to protect the digital know-how of the whole company

The Ethical Hacking course from TAYLLORCOX is unique in that it shows you how to deal with cyber security with the help of high-quality but open source (free) software vulnerability testing tools. This will significantly save costs and you can invest in enhancing security.

In 95 percent, the attackers are successful. This also proves that traditional tools fail because they cannot face modern cyber threats. More advanced methods are gaining strength through analysts and artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to completely change the approach to cyber security and focus on the protection of corporate data and users who handle them.

akreditace EC Coucnil


Certified Ethical Hacking Intro

Certificate of Attendance

Accredited Training Organization (ATO) TAYLLORCOX

The undisputed advantage of our accredited programs is the Certificate of Attendance "Ethical Hacking Introduction" issued by the (ATO) Accredited Training Organization TAYLLORCOX, which is accredited by the EC-Council.

Who is the EC Council and what role does it play in Ethical Hacking?

The organization was founded on the basis of evaluated research after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. After tracing the whole process, the founder of the EC Council decided what if a similar attack happened in cyberspace? Do organizations have enough information and knowledge to identify and thwart such attacks in a timely manner? Unfortunately, the answer is no. 

The EC Council is the ultimate certification body for e-commerce created to educate white hat hackers who will be able to stay one step ahead through non-destructive penetration testing, network scanning and vulnerabilities.

  • We are an  EC Council Certified Partner
  • Certificate included  in the price of the course
  • Ethical Hacking Intro is a  graduate certificate
CEH 11 Introduction

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 171 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Edward B.
  • 01.04.24

Naprostá spokojenost. Obsah kurz dle očekávání s mnoha odkazy na další zdroje. Lektor přehledně v teoretické rovině zmínil základní praktiky a postupy nejen pro EHC, následně nabídl i TX kurzy praktické, individuální. Bonusem bylo info ke kurzům CompTIA či EC-Councilu.

  • Petr K.
  • 28.04.23

 Jednička s hvězdičkou, třikrát podtržená.

  • Václav Š.
  • 17.02.23

kurz byl výborný, lektor velmi znalý problematiky. vše bylo velmi srozumitelné, tempo kurzu přiměřené

  • Marek N.
  • 12.02.21

S kurzem jsem byl plně spokojený. Srozumitelný, přehledný úvod do tématu plný prakticky využitelných informací. Školitel si poradil s každou otázkou. Přínosné bylo i zapojení účastníků do diskuze kteří tak měli možnost obohatit ostatní o osobní zkušenosti.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 09.11.20

Výborný kurz. Obsahovo výborne nastavené, dynamické a praktické.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 27.07.20
  • Freelancer

S kurzem jsem byl naprosto spokojen, děkuji moc.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 27.06.20
  • Súrao

Velmi dobře provedený kurz. Známku 9 berte jako maximum, protože označení "fantastické" mi připadne jako příliš bombastické až nereálné.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 26.06.20
  • ČEZ

Nemám žádné náměty.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 25.05.20
  • IBM

Byl jsem příjemně překvapený rozsahem intro kurzu, určitě splnil účel úvodu do problematiky hackingu pro netechnický personnel. 

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 11.03.20
  • UP Česká Republika

Pro mě jako začátečníka v tématu velmi přínosné informace. Přednes poutavý.

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