ISO 27001 Interal Auditor ISMS

The ISO 27001 Internal Auditor ISMS (Information Security Management System) course will teach you everything you need to know to conduct an internal audit and work with security documentation. As part of the course, you will receive templates and sample forms for risk analysis and register, templates for creating a plan, program, audit checklist and a set of audit questions, including how to compile a final audit report.

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Target Audience

The ISMS (Information Security Management System) course is intended for everyone involved in the internal audit of the information security management system and ensuring compliance of the organization with the ISO 27001 standard, whether the aim is to strengthen the security of certification, supervisory audit, or recertification of ISMS.

  • Internal Auditors
  • IT & Security and Risk Managers
  • Information Security Consultants
ISMS interní auditor


  • How to start an ISO 27001 audit
  • How to prepare and implement an audit
  • How to properly process an ISMS audit report
  • Learn the principles of ISO / IEC 27001 from the beginning to the end of the audit


Your organization will manage the entire ISMS process on its own in order to assess and evaluate the current state against the requirements of ISMS according to ISO 27001.

We will show you how to manage the entire process from the start of the audit to the preparation of the report on the evaluation and implementation of corrective and preventive measures.

Such an audit not only strengthens information security, including GDPR, but can also publicly declare your commitment to a secure society. A successful audit will improve the protection of your organization's private data to meet your market security and business management requirements.

přínosy isms


Day 1
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Open agenda

09:00 – 10:30

Intro to ISMS

  • Process approach
  • Requirements of ISO 27001
  • Principles of ISO standairs
  • Deming's PDCA cycle in ISMS
  • Norms and standards ISO 2700x

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:15

Foundations of ISMS 

  • ISMS planning
  • Context of organization
  • ISMS support requirements 
  • Risk analysis according to ISO 27005 
  • Leadership
  • Internal audit and continuous improvement
  • ISMS operation

12:15 – 13:15


13:15 – 14:45

Appendix ISMS I.

Requirements - Annex A ISO 27001 A.5 – A.11

14:45 – 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 – 17:00

Appendix ISMS II.

Requirements - Annex A ISO 27001, A.12 – A.18

Day 2
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Open agenda

09:00 – 10:30

Audit principles

  • ISO 27001, ISO 27006
  • Requirements of EN ISO 19011
  • Internal audit process cycle

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15

Audit Workflow

  • Audit plan
  • Audit plan creation
  • Roles
  • Responsibilities

12:15 – 13:15


13:15 – 14:45

  • Audit report
  • Working with the standard an checklists 
  • Audit documentation preparation
  • Certification cycle of ISO 27001 ISMS

14:45 – 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 – 17:00

Conclusion, certification

  • Exam tips
  • Official exam ISO 27001 Internal auditor

The course is optimally balanced, so you will immediately build on your theoretical knowledge with practical examples that you can effectively use in the internal audit of ISMS ISO / IEC 27001.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 16 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites

    Experience in the field of information security, eg in the position of Manager, Auditor, or Cyber Security Architect, etc.

Zuzana Bitterová

Certified Information Security & Data Governance Professional; CISM, MBA, MBCS, ISO27001 Auditor, ISO 27005, ISO 22301.

Ivan Gašparovič

Professional ITIL, Agile, Project (PRINCE2, PMI), Programme, Portfolio Manager. 

Jan Cuřín

Graduate of ČVUT FEL, subsequently a consultant with an international dimension in the field of implementation and optimization of the information management system (ITSM) and cyber (ISMS) security. He applies the acquired experience from the position of an accredited Lead Auditor in the areas of IT Service Management, ISMS and GDPR.

  • Cyber Security standard author
  • Lead Auditor ITSM ISO 20000, ISMS ISO/IEC 27001
  • Approved Trainer & Lead Auditor GDPR (EU 2016/679) dle ISO/IEC 17067


ISO / IEC 27001 Internal Auditor ISMS | ISO 17024 Accredited

ISMS ISO 27001 Internal Auditor

Get the prestigious Information Security Management System certificate! The publisher is the internationally accredited RCB (Registered Certification Bodies) TAYLLORCOX organization focusing on the certification of ISMS (Information Security Management System) systems according to ISO / IEC 27001 standards.

  • Duration: 60min
  • Multiple choice
  • Questions: 75
  • Pass mark = 50%, i.e. 35/70
  • Closed book exam
ISMS ISO 27001

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 773 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Klára K.
  • 03.05.24

Oceňuji zapojení všech účastníků kurzu do probíraného tématu. Školitel si vyslechnul názor a následně nasměroval účastníka správným směrem.

  • Jiří J.
  • 03.05.24
  • EmbedIT s.r.o.

Celkově vyvážený kurz prezentovaný vhodnou formou. Pro mě osobně velice přínosné.

  • Pavel B.
  • 24.11.23

Obsahově propojené teorie s praxí podpořena výborným výkonem školitele. Nemám co vytknout.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 24.11.23

Přínosné, návodné, seznámení s procesem, ale praktická. Prostě výborný kurz, udržte si kvalitu.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 24.11.23

Dynamika kurzu a obsah naplnil moje očekávání. Výborný lektor.

  • Pavel D.
  • 24.11.23
  • mBank S.A.

Výborné školení, splnilo moje očekávání. 

  • Tomáš S.
  • 24.11.23
  • Správa železnic

Vše OK. Budu ráda za více auditní praxe z vedených auditů.

  • Ivana S.
  • 24.11.23

Super kurz a skvelý lektor! Veľa informácií, dynamické tempo, príklady z praxe a výborné technologické vybavenie (prvý deň "zlobil" jeden mikrofón, ale inak vynikajúco zabezpečené)

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 14.07.23

Vynikající kurz jak obsahově, tak školitel. Děkuji, nemám co vytknout.

  • Michal J.
  • 14.07.23
  • Siemens s.r.o.

Naprostá spokojenost nad rámec očekávání.

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