Efficient use of energy resources is one of the key factors for a modern and successful organization. Perhaps the ISO 50001 audit is mandatory for you, as well as for a number of companies in the light of Act No. 406/2000 Coll. You can look forward to practical examples, tips and recommendations in terms of the energy management system according to ISO 50001.
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A graduate of the CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering, majoring in automated control systems. After the implementation of several projects as a programmer-analyst, Monika has worked in the field of quality management systems since 1999, and since 2003 in the field of environmental management and health and safety systems.
Monika currently works as a certified auditor of the accredited certification body TAYLLORCOX in the above areas and as a quality manager. She works as a professional consultant in a number of key projects, has experience in conformity assessment and product certification, implementation and improvement of management systems in production and services. Monika holds the certificate of manager / auditor of EMS, QMS, OHSAS, EnMS and many others.
Graduate of ČVUT FEL, subsequently a consultant with an international dimension in the field of implementation and optimization of the information management system (ITSM) and cyber (ISMS) security. He applies the acquired experience from the position of an accredited Lead Auditor in the areas of IT Service Management, ISMS and GDPR.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 25 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Nehodnotím reakci školitele na dotazy, protože dotazy účastníků nebyly. Přestože se jednalo o on-line kurz, tak jej hodnotím velmi pozitivně, a jako velmi účelně vynaložený čas. Na průběhu kurzu se podepisovala kvalita připojení jednotlivých účastníků, ale to nelze ovlivnit organizátorem kurzu. Lektor byl fundovaný z výkladu bylo zřejmé, že není jen teoretik, ale má v dané problematice praktickou zkušenost.
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