ITIL® Foundation provides general awareness of the key elements, concepts and terminology used in the ITIL service lifecycle, including the links between lifecycle stages, the processes used and their contribution to service management practices.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual course09:00 - 10:30
** Introduction to ITIL **
** ITIL Library **
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 12:15
** Continuous Service Improvement **
12:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 15:00
** Service Operation **
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 17:00
** Service Transition **
** Assignment **
09:00 - 10:30
** Recapitulation of the 1st day **
** Service Transition II. **
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 12:15
** Service Design **
12:15 - 13:15
Lunch Lunch Menu
13:15 - 15:00
** Service Design II. **
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 17:00
** Assignment II. **
09:00 - 10:30
** Recapitulation of the 2nd day **
** Service Strategy **
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 12:15
** Service Lifecycle **
** ITIL and benefit review **
12:15 - 13:15
Lunch Lunch menu
13:15 - 15:00
** ITIL Exam Preparation **
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 17:00
** ITIL Foundation Exam **
What you will learn in training: Key ITIL® concepts, areas and definitions. How ITIL® helps you solve problems in practice. Life cycle, relationships between processes. Structure, processes and support services of all 5 parts. A detailed overview of the certification and accreditation scheme.
The final exam takes place online after the course. All candidates will receive an exam voucher to book the date of the final exam themselves.
15 years of experience with standards of IT Service Management, ITIL, project management. Game Leader for business simulations that will help you use the methodology to increase the applicability of standards in practice. His most successful projects include:
Did you decide to upgrade the certificate? Congratulations! Each successful graduate will also receive a certificate issued by the owner of the Axelos methodology. EI (Examination Institute) PeopleCert.
ITIL® Foundation certification is essential for those who want to continue with the ITIL® Practitioner, which contains 80% of the practical ITIL® implementation with the knowledge you get here at Foundation level.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 1502 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
S obsah i přednesem jsem nadmíru spokojen.
Kurz byl moc fajn. Výborný lektor, skvělá parta účastníků.
Obsah kurzu byl dobrý, lektor výborný. Jako méně znalý tématu bylo tempo trochu rychlejší, to je ale subjektivní.
Velmi dobrý mix přípravy na certifikační zkoušku a metodiky samotné. Ideální balanc mezi obsahem a zkušenostmi z praxe - kurz nebyl nudný :-)
Kurz byl velmi dobře od prezentovaný, školitel komunikoval velmi srozumitelně a byl velmi ochotný pomáhat.
Za mě skvělé, moje očekávání byla splněna. Lektor evidentně bohatě vybaven zkušenostmi poskytoval dostatek příkladů z praxe, nezřídka zábavnou formou.
Excellent opportunity to learn something new thanks to our teacher for patience and nice aproach!
I think this training was interesting and funny because of the trainer.
Jsem velmi spokojený, určitě bych šel znova. Lektor je profík. Poslední stránka/obrázek z výukových materiálů mi pomohla uvědomit si, jak to vše do sebe zapadá. :)
Jsem velmi spokojený, školitel výborný a znalosti se budou hodit.
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We are available at +420 222 553 101 Always Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
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