The three-day ITIL® 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy certification course focuses on the challenges associated with developing a digital strategy as well as highlighting how to align a digital business strategy with an IT strategy for business success.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseThe pace of evolution in the digital world has never been so fast and organizations need to be flexible and adapt to the ever-changing environment if they want to keep providing value to their customers while remaining competitive in the marketplace.
The IT and Digital Strategy course adds a new perspective to the ITIL suite and elevates the discussion around ITIL concepts to a strategic level among business leaders and aspiring leaders.
This course will also help IT leaders and aspiring leaders build and implement effective IT and digital strategy that can tackle digital disruption and drive success.
Foundation recap
Key Concepts of Digital and IT Strategy
Strategy and the Service Value System
What is Vision?
Where Are We Now?
How Do We Get There (Strategic Planning)
How Do We Get There (Strategic Approaches)
Take Action (Managing Strategic Initiatives)
Did We Get There? (Measuring Strategy)
How Do We Keep The Momentum Going
Managing Innovation and Emerging Technologies
Managing Strategic Risk
The three-day ITIL® 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy certification course focuses on the challenges associated with developing a digital strategy as well as highlighting how to align a digital business strategy with an IT strategy for business success.
Digital and IT Strategy includes four Case Study assignments, that are graded in-session, and a multiple-choice exam at the later, done on-line.
Candidates must pass all the Case Study assignments in order to take the exam. This will be confirmed to candidates by the trainer before the end of the training. Candidates who fail to complete the Case Study assignments in-session, may be given an additional individual written assignment that is based on the same case-study.
ITIL 4 Foundation
The final exam takes place online after the course. All candidates will receive an exam voucher to book the date of the final exam themselves.
In addition to the Audit Tool for Personal Data Protection, you can use consolidated terms and definitions of thousands of managerial terms in the management of projects, programs, portfolios, risks, enterprise architecture, security and privacy, and more:
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What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Velké překvapení, neskutečná dynamika výuky, lektor fantastický. Výborný kurz, nemám co vytknout.
Velmi dobré z hlediska směřování organizace. Lektor Bomba.
Přínosný kurz, který nám potvrdil správně směřování v rámci digitální transformace. Nemám co vytknout.
Výborné školení.
Výborný, opravdu přínosný kurz,
Velice přínosný kurz, jak obsahově, tak formou prezentace školitelem.
spokojenost, individuální přístup, praktické případové studie
Vynikající jak po stránce obsahové tak prezentační.
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