PRINCE2® Combo (F+P)

This intensive course introduces you to the basics of project management and advanced techniques. Get complete know-how of project methodology. You can make your own resources to upgrade your organization's project methodology.

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Target Audience

Get 2 certifications PRINCE2 per week

Get a professional PRINCE2® Practitioner certificate at a bargain price in an intensive 5-day (3 + 2) course.

  • The state-of-the-art multimedia training PRINCE2!
  • Passing PRINCE2® Combo (Foundation + Pracititoner) is cheaper
  • PRINCE2® Combo = 2 days to significantly increase qualification
  • 73% of the Foundation's graduates pass the Practitioner within one year
prince2 combo kurz

Knowledge objective

  • Adoption 7 Principles, Themes and Processes of the PRINCE2 Methodology
  • You will learn to effectively divide and manage the individual stages of the project
  • You will report and report on work progress, problem management and changes correctly

Organisational Benefits

PRINCE2® Combined Foundation and Practitioner course reiterates the information introduced with the PRINCE2® Foundation course and gives you a sound understanding of the PRINCE2® Project Management methodology allowing them to become familiar with the processes, components and techniques involved in PRINCE2®.

There is no need to have any entry prerequisites, all candidates can attend this course.
  • Benefit from a shared and thoroughly understood language and approach to reporting 
  • Increase staff awareness of their roles and responsibilities in the Project Management Lifecycle
prince2 benefity


Day 1
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30


  • What is a project
  • Specifics of projects
  • Project environment

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15


  • Process model
  • Structure of methodology
  • 7 Principles, Processes, Themes

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch break

13:15 - 14:45

In detail Process

  • Project start
  • Project settings

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 17:00

In detail Process

  • Organization
  • Business case

Homework assignment

Day 2
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

Homework revision

In detail Topic

  • Plans
  • Risk

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15

In detail Topic

  • Changes in the project

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch break

13:15 - 14:45

In detail Process

  • Stage control
  • Project direction

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 17:00

In detail Process

  • Product delivery management

In detail Topic

  • Risk management

Homework assignment

Day 3
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

Homework revision

In detail Topic

  • Project planning

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15

In detail Topic

  • Progress
  • Quality

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch break

13:15 - 14:45

In detail Process

  • Project completion
  • Adaptation of methodology
  • Project vs. Program

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 17:00

Certification Prep

  • PRINCE2 Foundation Exam Preparation

Day 4
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

PRINCE2 Glossary

  • CZ / EN glossary

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15

  • Revision of PRINCE2 knowledge
  • Process model of methodology

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch break

13:15 - 14:45

PRINCE2 Manual

  • Tips for managers
  • When and how to use the Manual

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 17:00

Case Study Exercises

Recommendations for study

Day 5
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30


  • Glossary (CZ / EN)
  • Glossary in more detail

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15


  • Revision of knowledge
  • PRINCE2 process model

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch break

13:15 - 14:45

PRINCE2 Manual

  • Tips
  • Project Management Manual

PRINCE2 Scenario

  • Practical recommendations

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 17:00


The final exams PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner take place online after the course. All candidates will receive an exam voucher to book the date of the final exam themselves.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 40 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites


Petr Valenta

Skills: tailoring best practices PRINCE2, Scrum, P3O, MSP a MoP včetně embedingu metodiky na konkrétní projekty. Zkušený coach, consultant, auditor voblasti realizace strategií a vedení lidí.


  • Agile consultant
  • Coach ICF / Auditor
  • Scrum Approved Trainer
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio
  • P3O trainer Project Program Portfolio Manager

Lukáš Adámek

Mezi silné stránky patří zlepšování systémů řízení podle procesních a projektových metodik. Bohaté zkušenosti napříč sektory získal jako ISO Auditor, P3M3 Assessor. Vedle návrhu metodik pomáhá klientům i s aplikováním best practice dle metodik jako je PRINCE2, MoP a Scrum.


  • ISO Auditor
  • P3M3 Assessor / Auditor
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio

Eduard Pitka

The courses focus on Principles, Processes, and Topics to help implement projects according to an agreed timetable, budget, quality, and unnecessary risks.

In addition to coaching, we help implement the methodology using practical workshops. We are unique in the domestic market - we apply the methodology to practical scenarios. Or we can improve the project situation with Project Health Check.

  • 2018 - P3M3 Assesor
  • 2014 - MoP Approved Trainer
  • 2010 - PRINCE2, MSP Approved Trainer
  • 2007 - Senior Project Manager / Consultant

Mia Filipi

Mia excels in agile and procedural methodologies. At the courses, she gives a wide range of experience with the implementation of PRINCE2® project methodology for small and big projects across disciplines.

No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.

  • 2013 - PRINCE2 Lead Trainer
  • 2012 - 2013 - Agile SCRUM Master / Trainer
  • 2009 - ISO 9001 / 27001 Lead Auditor

Jiří Pilný

PRINCE2PRINCE2 Agile & SCRUM Approved Trainer. Game Leader with a focus on Business Simulation, mastering methodologies in practical scenarios and workshops, the aim of which is to gain hands-on experience.

He gained extensive experience in his practice in managerial positions in public administration and the private sector. In recent years, he has focused mainly on projects at Microsoft and for several years managed projects in the Statutory City of Liberec.

15 years of experience with standards of IT Service Management, ITIL, project management. Game Leader for business simulations that will help you use the methodology to increase the applicability of standards in practice. His most successful projects include:

  • Office online
  • Parking Liberec
  • MS Tools for budget management, investments, subsidies
  • PRINCE2® Accelerator (SW solution according to PRINCE2 methodology)


Certification of Project Manager

Part of the course includes two internationally accredited certificates issued by ATO (Accredited Training Organization) TAYLLORCOX.

This intensive course is especially suitable for managers who want to achieve PRINCE2® excellence in the shortest possible time.

PRINCE2 Foundation test

The exam tests basic knowledge of project management, terminology and PRINCE2® standard.

The objective of the test is to verify the assumptions and skills required in practice as a member of the project team or a separate manager or other employee who has a role in the project team. Successful graduation from the Foundation is also necessary for participating in the PRINCE2® Practitioner course.

Exam info

PRINCE2® 2017 Foundation Examination

  • 75 questions, choice of answer
  • 60 minutes to test, closed book
  • 5 questions are testing and are not counted
  • Successful certification of min. 35 correct answers (50%)
  • ecrtificate: Lifetime, internationally accredited PRINCE2® Foundation
prince2 foundation axelos peoplecert certifikát

PRINCE2 Practitioner test

The PRINCE2® Practitioner Certification is suitable for individuals who want to demonstrate they have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor the PRINCE2® methodology in a scenario situation.

Exam Info

PRINCE2® 2017 Practitioner Examination: 

  • Objective testing
  • 68 Questions per paper
  • Open Book Exam (Official PRINCE2® Manual Only)
  • 38 marks or more required to pass (Out of 68): Approximately 55%
  • Duration: 2.5 hours (150 Minutes) with no additional reading time 

This module will be discontinued on 30th June 2024 and replaced by a new version PRINCE2 7. The latest date to take the exam is 31st July 2024.

prince2 practitioner certifikát axelos peoplecert

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 6362 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Daniela S.
  • 28.07.23
  • Ego dekor s.r.o.

Skvěle připravená průprava předání praktických znalosti a propojení praxe s teorií.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 28.07.23

Vše bylo jasné kurz proběhl skvěle.

  • Natalija N.
  • 24.02.23
  • Ernst & Young s.r.o.

Kurz obsahuje praktické poznatky týkající se aplikace metodiky PRINCE2, které pomáhají lépe metodiku pochopit. Rovněž procházení testů s poznámkami od lektora hodnotím jako přínosné pro přípravu na certifikační test. Vysvětlení bylo vždy podáno jednoduchou a zábavnou formou, což  pomáhá lepšímu zapamatování látky.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 24.02.23

Výborný kurz, přátelská atmosféra.

  • Petr T.
  • 02.12.22
  • Synthomer a.s.

Výnikající procvičení PRINCE2.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 02.12.22

Velice dobré, super příklady ze života a odbornost. Děkuji za dobrou zkoušku stavby priority a šablony dokumentů.

  • Michal P.
  • 21.10.22
  • Ernst&Young s.r.o.

Skvělé vysvětlení s praktickým příkladem.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.10.22

Výborný kurz, nemám co vytknout.

  • Jakub L.
  • 04.12.20
  • Idea Czech s.r.o.

Výborná příprava na certifikační zkoušku. Užásně zpracované materiály vhodné i k samostudiu včetně vzorových testů.

  • Stanislav Š.
  • 08.10.20
  • Freelancer

Výborný kurz, školitel velký odborník, super vysvětlení.

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