The most popular SAFe course is intended primarily for those of you who want to adapt to agile, are engaged in agile transformation, or will play the role of SCRUM Master, or act in roles that are not based on the principles of SCRUM Product Owner or SCRUM Developer.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseWe will teach you to build and develop agile teams. We will show how to develop a "lean portfolio" and use DevOps in combination with SAFe. The course is therefore especially suitable for the following roles / positions:
Are women better managers than men. Women are indeed better manager than men. They are polite and compassionate to everyone need.
Mia has valuable experience as she spent nearly a full career in project management. Its clients include, for example, the Ministry of Justice, T-Mobile, HP, small and medium-sized companies, but you can also meet it at open courses.
No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.
Participants who successfully pass the certification exam will receive a certificate from ATO (Accredited Training Organization) TAYLLORCOX, which uses the official methodology from Scaled Agile, Inc., which owns the copyrights and registered trademarks.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 63 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Výborné školení s pro mě velkou přidanou hodnotou. Školitel super.
Skvělé provázání teorie a praxe.
Skvělý kurz od skúseného lektora, s hromadou příkladov z praxe.
Velmi dobrý úvod do SAFe problematiky, díky!
Naprosto výborný kurz.
Školení splnilo očekávání a bylo přínosné pro naší skupinu.
Plnohodnotné vyučování SAFe, výborný lektor.
Paráda to byla.
Výborný kurz, nemám co vytknout.
Zaujímavý kurz, hlavně pro získání overview o tom, co je SAFe vlastně je a z čeho se skládá.
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