If you are in the role of Product Owner / Product Manager and want to deliver the required outputs to the internal / external team, this is exactly the course that will show you how to properly perform your role in ART (Agile Release Train)
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseDuring the two-day course, you will gain a thorough knowledge of how to perform the role of Agile Release Train.
09:00 – 12:15
SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 17:00
SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager
09:00 – 12:15
Introduction SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 17:00
SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager
Gain in-depth knowledge of the Agile Release Train (ART), how it delivers value, and what they can do to perform your role effectively. You will also learn how to apply Lean thinking when writing Epics, break them down into features and stories, plan and perform repetitions, and plan program increments.
Are women better managers than men. Women are indeed better manager than men. They are polite and compassionate to everyone need.
Mia has valuable experience as she spent nearly a full career in project management. Its clients include, for example, the Ministry of Justice, T-Mobile, HP, small and medium-sized companies, but you can also meet it at open courses.
No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 55 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Obsahově poučné a věcné, nové dovednosti budou zcela jistě využity. Výborný kurz.
Super, praktické, ze života.
Michal má praktické dovednosti ze zavádění SAFe a dával hodně příklady z praxe, což bylo velmi přínosné. Zároveň oceňuji Michalovi znalosti z jiných oblastí, které daly školení přidanou hodnotu.
Výborný kurz, nemám co vytknout.
Výborný kurz s výborným lektorem.
Velmi spokojen, lektor se zkušeností a přesahem do dalších oblastí. Celkový dojem se školení je super a velmi přínosný vč. odpovědí na všetečné otázky.
Výborně odprezentovaný kurz zábavnou formou.
Chtěl bych vyzdvihnout kvalitu školitele, která je opravdu vysoká. Skvělý kurz.
Velice dobrý kurz, přínosná diskuze a velká přidaná hodnota kurzu.
Výborné, profesionální úroveň.
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We are available at +420 222 553 101 Always Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
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