Managerial introduction on how to deal with information security requirements according to TISAX. We will introduce you to this new standard, which is based on the international standard ISO 27001 and is intended exclusively for the automotive sector. You will get some useful advice on how to deal with information security requirements in the TISAX rating system. The aim is to provide managers with a cross-section of methodology, requirements so that they get an idea of what meeting the criteria means for their organization.
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However, the reality is that for many manufacturers / suppliers it is already a qualification criterion for tenders and automotive orders in general.
Graduate of ČVUT FEL, subsequently a consultant with an international dimension in the field of implementation and optimization of the information management system (ITSM) and cyber (ISMS) security. He applies the acquired experience from the position of an accredited Lead Auditor in the areas of IT Service Management, ISMS and GDPR.
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Školení na úrovni, jsem spokojen, Mohu doporučit.
Obsah školení naplnil moje očekávání.
Kurz splnil očekávání, děkuji. Obsah odpovídal časovému rozpětí, byly zodpovězeny a objasněny nejdůležitější otázky. Základní problematika TISAX byla dostatečně osvětlena.
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