DMI courses teach new best practices , informed by industry leaders and aligned with industry needs. The courses and memberships are globally recognized by leading digital brands, agencies, universities, etc.
DMI provides a full set of digital powers to create strategic business channels and campaigns. By signing up for one of the DMI courses you also become a member of the DMI and have access to the network of 47k alumni and new insights which will help you stay connected and relevant.
The Assessment is a three hour exam. These are administered by Pearson Vue, via its global network of test centres.
The exam is split into three sections. Candidates need to achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the exam.
The examination fee is included in the price but subsequent re-sits due to failed attempts will incur a fee of approximately €60 or local currency equivalent payable directly to Pearson Vue when you book your repeat attempt.
3-hour online exam administered by Pearson Vue. Questions in various formats including:
Thorough and industry-oriented assessment consisting of:
Provozování kamerových systémů, jejichž účelem je identifikace konkrétních fyzických osob, je podle ustáleného výkladu Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů i soudů považováno za zpracování osobních údajů.
Připravte se na nové nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů, které vstoupí v platnost 25. května 2018 s Auditním nástrojem, který vyvinul certifikační orgán TAYLLORCOX. Nástroj je zatím dostupný zdarma!
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