To obtain the ISO 19510 Expert in BPMN certification, the graduate must successfully pass the ISO19510-E-B exam with a minimum score of 62 points out of 90. Participation in the exam is conditional on completion of a course at a selected ISO certification body (e.g. TAYLLORCOX).
The duration of the test is set at 90 minutes. Test questions are in English. If English is not your native language, you get an additional 30 minutes, i.e. 120 minutes in total. Successful completion is min. 69% = at least 62 out of 90 correct questions. The topics of the questions are:
ISO 19510 is a set of best practices for process modeling. The main benefits are that this standard supports collaboration, notation definition, process diagram creation, and the entire process life cycle. The intention of ISO 19510 is to standardize models and notations, which are implemented in various notations and aspects. The standard provides an easy way to communicate process information to other business users, implementers, customers, and suppliers.
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