Dynamically developing markets are constantly forcing us to adapt to new changes. The organization and its staff often face challenges in successfully meeting these requirements. The answer is Change Management, which contributes to strengthening competitiveness and meeting managerially demanding goals.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseGraduates will learn the proven methodology of Change Management, which helps not only implement changes, but also eliminate typical risks. We will show you how to achieve the so-called benefits of change. The target group includes all those involved in the process of change, especially those with responsibility for initiating, planning and implementing change. In particular:
Identifying the need for change, defining the target state, identifying stakeholders and their roles in the change process, implementation and operational risks, acceptance of change and resistance to change at group and individual level, sustainability criteria for change benefits and other factors are key to successful implementation of change in the company. It is then necessary to support the process of change through appropriate procedures, techniques and tools, and of course qualified people.
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:15
Evaluate Change Impact & Organizational Readiness
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 14:45
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 – 17:00
Formulate the Change Management Strategy
Conclusion - summary
09:00 – 10:30
“Develop the Change Management Plan”
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15
*Execute the Change Management Plan
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 14:45
Complete the Change Management Effort
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 – 16:00
16:00 – 17:00
Conclusion - certification
Graduates will learn the proven methodology of Change Management, which helps not only implement changes, but also eliminate typical risks. We will show you how to achieve the so-called benefits of change.
Ing. Petr Špatenka, MBA, has been involved in business analysis for over 30 years. His courses will teach you advanced analysis, design, or implementation of strategic / conceptual / complex changes. He has extensive experience from successful large-scale domestic and international projects in a number of European countries.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 46 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Kurz srozumitelný s praktickými cvičeními, která jsou aplikovatelná v praxi.
Zajímavé, wow efekt, nové informace pro projektové manažery (jsem projektový manažer).
Kurz byl velice zajímavý navzdory tomu, že tento kurz mi byl vybrán omylem. Nicméně jsem rád, že jsem tento kurz podstoupil. Výborný lektor.
Z kurzu odcházím velmi pozitivně naladěn. Informace a znalosti získané na kurzu mi jsou přínosem a rád bych je implementoval do své práce. Kurz byl velmi zajímavý jak obsahově, tak formou a těším se na případně další pokračování.
This training is very interesting and brings me useful knowledge. I am happy I was a part of my team here. Trainer is very polite, professional. The way of explanation is easy and in friendly atmosphere.
Za mě skvělé, otevřelo mi to oči v tom, co jsme dělali špatně v rámci řízení změn. Pokračujte v odvádění skvělé práce.
Ucelená metodika s důrazem na praktické použití
Pro mě nová oblast. Kurz byl pro me inspirací, jak správně rozumět a dělat změnové řízení. Děkuji.
Praktické a užitečné školení, skvělé příklady z praxe. Kurz hodnotím na výbornou.
Přínosný pohled na change management v praxi.
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