Change Management Intro

Implementing changes in companies always brings with it a number of problems and complications. But change is also necessary for organizations to prosper and survive in highly competitive markets. We will show you how you can implement new processes from the position of Change Manager, manage changes at the operational and strategic level.

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Target audience

Change Management Intro™ is a 1/2 day managerial cross-section of change management in organizations and projects.

A certified trainer and change management consultant will show you the basic principles and techniques necessary for change management at the project, process, operational, or strategic management level.

Target group
  • Change Manager
  • Change Support / Team Member
  • Project / Program / Portfolio Manager
  • PRINCE2 graduates who wish to strengthen their knowledge and skills
Change Manager

Aims of the course

  • We will show you how to manage change
  • You will get acquainted with change management processes
  • You will see how the methodology helps to eliminate the risks associated with changes
  • You will understand the benefits of methodology, individual phases and competencies for change management


You have completed project management ... Focused on meeting the required quality of outputs, budget and schedule. The project was handed over.

But nothing happened….

Nobody uses the outputs of the project. There was no change, no benefits.

Whose fault is it?

Successful implementation of changes depends on the proper involvement of all stakeholders in Change Management. 

Change management benefits


09:00 – 10:30


  • Approach and context 
  • Overview of used models and methodologies
  • Framework Standard for Change Management, ACMP

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15

Examples of change management

  • Case studies, organizational process, IT, HR changes
  • Exercise: Analysis of Change Management


  • Summary. Questions.

Intensive managerial introduction, in which you will get acquainted with managerial change management.

What abilities and skills do you need to have, how to involve stakeholders and use change management from a strategic and process point of view.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 3 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam No
  • Prerequisites



Petr Špatenka

Ing. Petr Špatenka, MBA, has been involved in business analysis for over 30 years. His courses will teach you advanced analysis, design, or implementation of strategic / conceptual / complex changes. He has extensive experience from successful large-scale domestic and international projects in a number of European countries.

  • Telco (e.g. T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica) etc.
  • IT (e.g. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Gemalto, Monster)
  • Finance (e.g. Erste Bank Group, ING, KBC Group, Unicredit)

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 46 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Veronika G.
  • 22.06.23

Super předpříprava na Foundation kurz. Zajímavý materiál a skvělé poznatky od účastníků z jiných firem.

  • Petr M.
  • 16.02.23
  • Kyndryl

Velmi spokojen, děkuji.

  • Katarina K.
  • 27.01.23

Úvod do oblasti Change Managementu, zhrnutý, stručný s cvičením a diskusiou. Určite odporúčam. 

  • Pavel C.
  • 28.04.20
  • Krajský úřad Plzeňského kraje

Dobré praktické příklady z praxe.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.02.20
  • Foxconn

Jedná se opravdu o hodně obecnou rovinu problematiky. Pro základní orientaci asi stačí.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.02.20
  • Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Děkuji za vymezení PM a CM a role v CM.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.02.20
  • Freelancer

Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná "pouze o Intro, byla jsem s kurzem spokojena, je ale zřejmé, že větší přínos bude mít kurz následující.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.02.20
  • České Radiokomunikace

Přínosný vhled do change managementu.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.02.20
  • AutoCont

Nasměřován na existenci metodiky change management považuji za nejpřínosnější.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 20.11.19
  • Bisnode


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