Immerse yourself in the life of a real hacker. In the virtual environment of a fictitious company, you will try the principles of hacking IT systems, servers or applications. System and SSL attacks. Breakthrough wireless networks. Stealing passwords. Creation of malicious code, viruses, malware and Trojan horses. Network scanning and web attacks on servers, SQL Injection. Hacking mobile platforms. Social engineering (fake websites, phishing, etc.) Automated data retrieval from the Internet. Session Hijacking - identity theft or TCP / HTTP address.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseMost frequent graduates:
The field of cyber security is still evolving. Barriers to entry into the security field are still growing, as is the demand for certified specialists. The higher your qualification, the higher your chances of finding a job. Set your highest goals!
CEH 12 guides you step by step from the ground up in techniques used by real hackers: such as writing malicious code, using viruses, reverse engineering and scanning, testing, hacking secure systems and applications. Furthermore, techniques such as sniffing, phising and other tactics that are developing successfully. Early identification and knowledge will help protect the organizational infrastructure from data corruption.
You will master the techniques of network packet analysis and advanced techniques of penetration tests on practical examples. You will learn to use the same game as real hackers.
Mapped to NICE 2.0
CEH v12 falls perfectly under the NICE 2.0 framework's Specialty Areas - Protect and Defend (PR) and Analyze (AN) and Securely Provision (SP), helping you to further your career as a Federal Employee
Emerging Attack Vectors
A greater focus on 18 attack vectors, including the OWASP Top 10, IoT hacking, Vulnerability Analysis, APT, Fileless Malware, Web API Threats, Webhooks, Web Shell, OT Attacks, Cloud Attacks, AI, ML, and much more!
Improve your exploit development by learning about existing and new vulnerabilities from the elementary level. Get exposure to the latest technologies, such as OT Technology, Container Technology.
You will get the luxury of trying 24 exceptional hacking challenges (on steroids!) Spread across FOUR complexity levels with our Break-The-Code Challenge. Showcase your cutting-edge tricks to get into highly sought-after positions.
Modern Case Studies and Current Events
Exemplary case studies to help you understand the TTPs and scope of an attack. Learn from modern real-world incidents and ongoing trends to protect, detect, and analyze a potential cyberattack beforehand.
Enhanced Focus on Malware Analysis
You are now one step closer to learning the latest Malware Analysis tactics for ransomware, banking and financial malware, IoT botnets, OT Malware Analysis, Android Malware, and more!
Live, Cyber Range (no simulations)
The brand-new iLabs Cyber Range is now 100% mapped to the Certified Ethical Hacker Training program. It is no more based on simulations rather than real-world challenges.
Greater Focus on Cloud and IoT
Get dedicated modules on cloud and IoT, incorporating CSP's Container Technologies (like Docker, Kubernetes), Cloud Computing threats, and various IoT hacking tools, such as Shikra, Bus Pirate, more!
Thousands of Hacking Techniques, Tricks, and Tools
CEH v12 continues its legacy to introduce you to the latest hacking techniques, such as fileless malware, advanced social engineering practices, and more. Learn how to use the most advanced hacking tools.
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:15
13:15 – 14:45
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
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10:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:15
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15:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
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10:45 – 12:15
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15:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
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10:45 – 12:15
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15:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 13:15
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14:45 – 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 – 17:00
The intensive 5-day course is designed to give you in-depth knowledge and skills through hands-on exercises in a virtualized environment with up-to-date systems, security tools and techniques.
Teaching begins with an understanding of the outer perimeter of defense. Then you will learn to scan and attack your own networks. Evaluate the results. Subsequently, we move on to the study of intrusion detection, social engineering, DDos attacks, virus generation. Furthermore, how to use buffer overflow (memory overflow) to achieve on the server, rewrite the code and get to the computer and other techniques needed to defend against cyber attacks.
The Certified Ethical Hacker from the EC-Council is a practical course in which you can test vulnerabilities and threats in practice. This requires your own (or rental) laptop and everything takes place on simulated virtual machines.
In an interactive environment, you'll experience scanning, testing, hacking, password cracking, data theft, server congestion, and other techniques that are current and often exploited vulnerabilities.
Each student will have their own "Hacking Lab" laboratory ready to simulate hacker attacks. That's why we will build everyone's own unique hacking laboratory with a virtual high-performance computer, which you will use for all techniques and attacks. The course includes:
With this course you will also get the latest version of the hacker manual CEH v12. This courseware includes proven security techniques and countermeasures that are used against a variety of cyber attacks. Additional reference materials are included to guide you through the 20 most important security areas and more than 270 attack techniques.
Since its establishment in 2003, CEH has become the absolute leader worldwide in the field of practical cyber defense of companies, as well as state administration. This is the most respected certification in the field, which is listed as a qualification criterion for the role
Information Security Management System lead Auditor according to ISO / IEC 27001 at the certification body TAYLLORCOX.
on security measures, cyber security incidents, reactive measures, requirements for filing in the field of cyber security and data disposal (Decree on Cyber Security), issued by the National Office for Cyber and Information Security (NÚKIB) pursuant to § 28 para. a) to d) and f) of Act No. 181/2014 Coll., on Cyber Security and on Amendments to Related Acts (Act on Cyber Security), as amended by Act No. 104/2017 Coll. and Act No. 205/2017 Coll., (hereinafter the "Act"), which falls under the government CERT ( ) and CSIRTs, which play a key role in the protection of critical information infrastructure and important information systems.
EC-Council's CEH certification is accredited by the American Institute of National Standards (ANSI). TAYLLORCOX has successfully met these strict accreditation rules and requirements for high quality teaching.
125 questions in layout: Ethics - 3 questions (2%). Security - 31 questions (25%). Background - 5 questions (4%). Regulation / Policy - 5 questions (4%). Analysis / Assessment - 16 questions (13%). Procedures / Methodology - 25 questions (20%). Tools / Systems / Programs - 40 questions (32%).
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 172 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Vyčerpávající přehled velmi komplexní problematiky, s možností praktických cvičení v LAB.
Výborný kurz, který jde do detailů dané problematiky.
Hodnotný praktický kurz plný názorných ukázek.
Skvělý kurz, nemám co vytknout.
Hodnotím pozitivně, výborný lektor.
Kurz byl zajímavý a přínosný, obohacený o praktické zkušenosti lektora z mnohaleté praxe. Děkuji.
Kurz byl super, jen je škoda, že není víc času projít nějaká témata víc do hloubky a zastavit se u toho na delší dobu.
Velmi dobrý kurz, zkušený instruktor, škoda, jen, že obsah kurzu se nedá zvládnout za 5 dní. Vše bylo OK.
Kurz byl velice nabitý informacemi, dozvěděl jsem se spoustu nových informací a i jak se proti útokům bránit.
Kurz je velmi obsáhlý, kvalitně zpracovaný a poskytuje velké množství tipů pro další studium a rozvoj.
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