It was a matter of time before IT4IT became the most internationally used end-to-end business model of IT in the current cloud era, increasing the role of outsourcing, multisourcing, the increasingly fundamental growth of IT into business in the form of Smart City, Industry 4.0 or IoT.
We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.
Try a live virtual courseIt builds on older best practices, takes lessons from their shortcomings given their focus, but also their age and the associated change in various aspects of the IT business. Among the most frequent participants are
It is described so that it can be understood by customers and IT experts with various specializations. The aim of the introduction is to provide an overview of IT4IT and show how it will contribute to today's usual CIO assignment:
"You need to be faster, your services easier to grasp for users, more reliable and cheaper"
13:00 - 14:45
14:45 - 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 - 17:00
End-to-end model in more detail
This is a 1/2 day managerial cross-section of the benefits of the IT end-to-end business model.
The IT4IT sample model is for everyone. It is universal for "IT business", it does not depend on vendors or the subject of your company's business. It is described so that it can be understood by customers and IT experts with various specializations.
Excellent review ☆☆☆☆☆ from 87 reviewers
What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.
Spokojeni, výborný lektor
Zajímavá prezentace, téma velmi aktuální a relevantní, přihlásím se na kurz.
Kurz proběhl formou videokonference, přesto byl zajímavý a přínosný.
Za mě skvělý intro kurz. Školitel popsal metodiku IT4IT, mluvil o problémech z praxe a ukázal i nějaké příklady z projektů. Zajímavé je propojení této metodiky s metodikou ITIL. Určitě vhodné pro ty, kteří pracují ve větších organizací a podílí se na řízení IT.
Energický školitel, skvělé.
Díky za kurz, pěkné overview do value IT. Pro mě ideal komplement k ITILU a EA.
Energický školitel - skvělé.
Díky za kurz, pěkné overview do value IT. Pro mě ideál komplet ITILU a EA.
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We are available at +420 222 553 101 Always Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
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