ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver & Support (CDS)

This module covers the 'core' service management activities and expands the current scope of ITIL to cover the 'creation' of services. Focuses on the integration of different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT - enabled products and services whilst also covering supporting practices, methods and tools. 

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Target Audience

ITIL 4 Specialist Create, Deliver and Support is aimed at individuals who are continuing their journey in service management.

ITSM managers and ITSM practitioners managing the operation of IT-enabled and digital products and services, and those responsible for their end-to-end delivery, as well as holders of existing ITIL qualifications who wish to update and develop their knowledge further.

ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup> 4 Specialist – Create, Deliver & Support (CDS)


This specialist module is for IT practitioners and leaders who manage the operation of IT-enabled and digital products and services.

CDS helps professionals who are responsible for service delivery, including development, deployment, and monitoring and support, and assuring that services are delivered and supported according to agreed levels.


What you will learn

  • Align IT function with business strategy
  • Improve services development and support
  • Build strong and effective strategic direction & break down siloes
  • Learn how to plan and manage resources into effective value streams
  • Upgrade performance and efficiencies across teams, value streams & workflows
  • Get a universal approach across multiple methodologies (Agile, DevOps, IT4IT etc..)


Create, Deliver and Support forms one publication in the essential supporting guidance for the Managing Professional certification pathway within ITIL 4.

Accredited training for the ITIL Managing Professional modules is mandatory to enable full understanding of the core material. All modules have ITIL 4 Foundation as a pre-requisite.

ITIL 4 Books


ITIL® 4 CDS | Axelos Accredited

AXELOS / PeopleCert

There are two official practical test and certification test AXELOS (Examination Institute) PeopleCert.

The final exam takes place online after the course. All candidates will receive an exam voucher to book the date of the final exam themselves.

  • 40 questions, 90 minutes
  • Pass mark: 28/40
  • Exam language: English, Spanish, German, Chinese, French
  • Prerequisites: ITIL® Foundation OR ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition + training through ATO TAYLLORCOX
  • Electronic certificate in English
  • Upon request, we will provide a court translation
ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup> 4 Specialist Create, Deliver and Support Examination

ITIL 4 certification roadmap

ITIL 4 certifikace

ITIL 4 roadmap

Graduate ratings

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  • Ondřej M.
  • 15.11.24
  • Digitální a informační agentura

Energetik kurz, který udrží pozornost i u složitějších témat. 

  • Milan S.
  • 15.11.24
  • ESA - European Space Agency

Užitečné školení s praktickými příklady, zkušený školitel. 

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 20.10.23

Energické, udržení pozornosti, zapojení do diskuse, příklady z praxe pro vysvětleni jednotlivých praktik.

  • Jiří Š.
  • 28.07.23
  • Deepview s.r.o.

Výborný kurz. Velmi přínosná diskuse nad cvičnými otázkami, které byly záludně formulované.

  • Martina L.
  • 28.07.23

Výborný kurz.

  • Anton S.
  • 10.05.23

Bol som spokojný so znalosťami, ktoré sa nami lektor zdieľal. Jeho vysvetľovanie bolo jasné, stručné a k veci. Prešli sme si aj praktické príklady a otázky, čo bolo super.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 27.01.23

První kurz, takže spokojenost. Výborná přidaná hodnota a znalosti školitele.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 16.12.22

Záživná forma. Lekce která mě bavila a usnadňovala mi lépe pochopit probírané téma.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.10.20
  • Freelancer

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