ISO 10006 Certification

The certification scheme is based on the requirements of the ISO 17024 standard, i.e. it defines the requirements for professional competence and other requirements related to the specific work skills of certified persons.

    ISO 10006 Certification

    Certification Scheme - Project Manager

    Certification body for certification of persons - TAYLLORCOX

    The certification scheme is based on the requirements of the ISO 17024 standard, ie it defines the requirements for professional competence and other requirements related to the specific work skills of certified persons.

    1.   Focus of the certification scheme

    The certification scheme focuses on the managerial cross-section of the quality of project management according to ISO 10006.

    The certification is focused on the implementation of the project quality management system and, unlike other project management certifications, it does not only deal with the idea of "best practice" in project management, but explicitly focuses on the implementation and standardization of project management processes.

    Due to its focus, the certification is suitable for persons who come into contact with project management during their work activities, such as project office manager, project manager, as well as experts in the field of ISO process standardization, quality managers, etc.

    2.   Areas of use

    The certificate can be used to prove professional competence: ISO 10006, ed.2: 2004 Quality management systems - Guidelines for project quality management.

    The certification has one level: Project Manager Certificate according to ATO (Accredited Training Organization)

    3.   Scope of work and tasks 

    • use and apply knowledge of the management system according to the requirements of relevant technical standards and legislative requirements, in its activities apply knowledge of the requirements and recommendations of standards ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016, ČSN EN ISO 10006: 2004 and the requirements of relevant system standards,
    • be familiar with other standards and requirements in the field of project management,
    • determine the scope and boundaries of the project management system, in which it determines which organizational parts and technical elements the project management system applies to,
    • monitor the effectiveness of the set criteria with regard to projects, evaluate their suitability and effectiveness,
    • participate in the creation, documentation, implementation and maintenance of the organization's quality management system, and the continuous improvement of its efficiency, product reliability and customer satisfaction,
    • participate in monitoring and measuring the management system and its processes,
    • know the principles of implementation, maintenance and improvement of the organization's management system,
    • to design education and training of employees in individual areas of the management system,
    • have the knowledge of the manager of the organization's management system,
    • ensure evaluation of the effectiveness of the project management system,
    • update the project management system and relevant documentation on the basis of audit findings and in connection with implemented or planned changes,
    • manage, participate in the creation, documentation, implementation and maintenance of the system, and continuous improvement of its efficiency,
    • participate in monitoring, measuring, auditing and reviewing the management system and its processes,
    • prepare a report to review the organization's management system and propose a program for its improvement,
    • manage the monitoring and measurement of the performance of the organization's management system,
    • have an overview of the possibilities and ways of using the results of audits,
    • monitor the implementation of corrective and preventive measures,
    • know the principles, methods, tools and procedures for identifying nonconformities, non-conformities and hazards, know the assessment and management of risks, aspects and impacts in the given areas of the organization's management system,
    • be a partner to inspection and certification bodies.

    4.  Required Qualification

    The required qualification is proved by a document on completed education, training and completed practice, and is attached to the application for certification.


    Training / course

    Other prerequisites


    ISO 9001:2016

    6 months of experience in the field of management systems

    High school with graduation

    ISO 9001:2016

    12 months of experience in the field of management systems

    Up to 50% of hours can be replaced by another form of learning, e.g. practice confirmed by the employer, e-learning, workshop, professional certificate or certificate, elaboration of a case study, etc.

    5.   Required Skills

    To successfully pass the exam, the candidate is required to have:

    ·  the ability to express concepts and ideas fluently and clearly, both in writing and in the form of discussion or case studies on a given issue

    ·  organizational and management skills.

    6.   Rules of conduct

    The issued certificate may only be used by a certified person, and only for the scope of certification. No misleading references to the certification scheme must be made and the use of the certificate must not be misleading. The certified person does not downplay the certification system, keeps proper documentation and maintains his / her professional competence at the current level. The certified person maintains the principles of general ethics and good morals in relation to its clients, partners and competitors.

    The certified activity must be performed by the certified person to the best of his knowledge and conscience, and he must apply communicativeness, objectivity, non-conflict, determination, resistance to stress and strain.

    The certification body must have documented rules of conduct for certificate holders.

    7.   Certification process - requirements

    The certification process is completely independent of completed education, training and practice.

    Exam and evaluation

    At the beginning of the exam, candidates are acquainted with the course of the exam.

    At the end of the exam, candidates are acquainted with the result of the exam.

    If the candidate does not pass the test, the CO will inform them about the next steps.

    If the candidate has passed the requirements of the test, the CO will grant him a certificate. Certificate holders undertake to comply with the signing Policy for the use of the certificate, which is an integral part of the certificate.

    Criteria for initial certification

    The certification exam consists of a test and a case study. The participants of the course prepare a case study at the place of the exam with a time limit of 30 minutes. The case study is then presented in person in order to verify the presentation skills and understanding of the content of the course by the applicant.

    The written test takes the form of choosing the correct answer from several options offered. The time limit of the test is 90 min. The candidate will succeed if he answers at least 60% of the test correctly, i.e. 45 correct answers.

    The validity of the certificate is 3 years, subject to compliance with the Principles for the use of the certificate, including the criteria of supervision. Before the certificate expires, but no later than 0.5 years from the date of expiry of the certificate, the certified person may apply for recertification, otherwise it is an initial certification.

    If significant changes occur in the required knowledge or certification scheme, then special supervision must be submitted.

    Criteria for re-certification (further recertification)

    The recertification exam has the same course as the certification exam.

    The validity of the certificate from the recertification exam is 3 years, subject to compliance with the Principles for the use of the certificate, including the criteria of supervision. Before the certificate expires, but no later than 0.5 years from the date of expiry of the certificate, the certified person may apply for recertification, otherwise it is an initial certification.

    Certificate suspension

    Suspension is a condition where the certified person may not refer to the validity of the certificate. The suspension is granted by the certification body in the event that the certified person does not comply with the conditions of the certification scheme, or in the event of a minor breach of the certification scheme. The basis for the decision on suspension of validity are the findings of the certification body or complaints against the certified person. Validity is suspended for a definite period, for a maximum of 1 year. If the reasons no longer apply, the validity is renewed. If the reasons last longer than 1 year, the validity is terminated and the certificate is revoked.

    Certificate revocation

    Certificate revocation is the expiration status before the certificate expires on the certificate. The certificate is revoked by the certification body if the certified person violates the conditions of the certification scheme, or in the event of a serious violation of the Regular Conduct under Chapter 6, or if the reasons for suspension do not help. The basis for the decision to withdraw the certification are the findings of the certification body or the reliability of the certified person.

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