PRINCE2® Practitioner

This training course is for everyone who manages projects. This could be as part of a formal project management function or a role in which project management is an inherent part of day-to-day work.

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Target Audience

The PRINCE2® Practitioner is the next logical step for graduateswho successfully completed the PRINCE2 Foundation. You will learn the basics of methods, terminology, and techniques in practice. You will learn practical tips and examples using various practical scenarios.

  • Team Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Internal Consultants
  • Project Board members 
  • Senior Responsible Owners
  • Professional Consultants, Business Analysts
  • ITIL Process Owners, IT Infrastructure Managers
prince2 practitioner peoplecert official

Course objectives

  • Acquire 7 Principles, Processes, and Themes
  • How to watch time, budget, quality and eliminate risks
  • Learning to solve project problems using methodology
  • Get detailed practical knowledge about PRINCE2 capabilities


"The number of project managers certified at the" Practitioner "level is 67% year-on-year, including project directors, consultants, program managers, division directors, but are not CEOs as well."

We will teach you how to manage techniques, solve complex and crisis situations that are typical of project management. Topics covered include:

  • Focus on the product
  • Apply PRINCE2® principles
  • Continued business justification
  • Applying the PRINCE2® risk, change, and controlling themes
  • What should be in the project plan and how to prepare it thoroughly
  • Role of project stakeholders, reporting, quality management, risk management


Day 1
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30


  • Glossary (CZ / EN)
  • Glossary in more detail

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15


  • Revision of knowledge
  • PRINCE2 process model

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:45

PRINCE2 Manual

  • Tips
  • Project Management Manual

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 17:00

PRINCE2 Scenario

  • Practical recommendations

Day 2
Hide agenda
Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

Practice test Exam

  • PRINCE2 Practitioner

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

Test results

  • Evaluation and analysis of answers

12:15 - 13:15


13:30 - 15:00

Practical excercises

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 17:00


  • Certification tips
  • Comments with explanation
  • Practitioner exam reservation

PRINCE2® Practitioner 2-day course graduates will gain the necessary knowledge to successfully prepare for the certification test, which takes place 1-2 weeks after the end of the course.

The final exam takes place online after the course. All candidates will receive an exam voucher to book the date of the final exam themselves.

Lukáš Adámek

Mezi silné stránky patří zlepšování systémů řízení podle procesních a projektových metodik. Bohaté zkušenosti napříč sektory získal jako ISO Auditor, P3M3 Assessor. Vedle návrhu metodik pomáhá klientům i s aplikováním best practice dle metodik jako je PRINCE2, MoP a Scrum.


  • ISO Auditor
  • P3M3 Assessor / Auditor
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio

Eduard Pitka

The courses focus on Principles, Processes, and Topics to help implement projects according to an agreed timetable, budget, quality, and unnecessary risks.

In addition to coaching, we help implement the methodology using practical workshops. We are unique in the domestic market - we apply the methodology to practical scenarios. Or we can improve the project situation with Project Health Check.

  • 2018 - P3M3 Assesor
  • 2014 - MoP Approved Trainer
  • 2010 - PRINCE2, MSP Approved Trainer
  • 2007 - Senior Project Manager / Consultant

Mia Filipi

Mia excels in agile and procedural methodologies. At the courses, she gives a wide range of experience with the implementation of PRINCE2® project methodology for small and big projects across disciplines.

No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.

  • 2013 - PRINCE2 Lead Trainer
  • 2012 - 2013 - Agile SCRUM Master / Trainer
  • 2009 - ISO 9001 / 27001 Lead Auditor

Ivan Gašparovič

Professional ITIL, Agile, Project (PRINCE2, PMI), Programme, Portfolio Manager. 

Petr Valenta

Skills: tailoring best practices PRINCE2, Scrum, P3O, MSP a MoP včetně embedingu metodiky na konkrétní projekty. Zkušený coach, consultant, auditor voblasti realizace strategií a vedení lidí.


  • Agile consultant
  • Coach ICF / Auditor
  • Scrum Approved Trainer
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio
  • P3O trainer Project Program Portfolio Manager


PRINCE2® Practitioner | Axelos Accredited


Certificate issued by the owner of the Axelos methodology, its EI (Examination Institute) PeopleCert

As a part of the course you will take two official sample tests and an official final exam by PeopleCert.

  • Ceritificate in English
  • PRINCE2 Foundation Axelos also has lifetime validity!
  • Court expert's translation upon request

The PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate is also a pre-requisite for individuals wishing to achieve the PRINCE2 Practitioner or the PRINCE2 Agile® certification.


Examination Format

PRINCE2 Practitioner certificate in project management

The exam usually takes place on the 3rd day of the agreement after the course has passed. See schedule for more information. 

You will be thoroughly prepared for the final exam, thanks to our official training tests that you will be taking throughout the course. Did you know that TAYLLORCOX graduates have an above average elite score for the final certification?

Exam info

  • Objective testing
  • 68 questions per paper
  • Exam Duration: 150 min
  • Open book exam (Prince2 Manual)
  • 44 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available): 55%

This module will be discontinued on 30th June 2024 and replaced by a new version PRINCE2 7. The latest date to take the exam is 31st July 2024.

Examination Format


However, those who do not have the knowledge of the methodology (graduates of PMP, CAPM, IPMA) strongly recommend the graduation of PRINCE2 Foundation. The Practitioner level builds on Principles, Processes, Topics and Terminology at this level.

In order to sit the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination you must provide proof of having passed one of the following:

  • PMP
  • CAPM
  • PRINCE2 2009 Foundation
  • IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)
  • IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)

This is a must-have!

Download your application on your mobile before you attend the course.

Free mobile app for managers. Interpretation and translation dictionary, audit tool.

In addition to the Audit Tool for Personal Data Protection, you can use consolidated terms and definitions of thousands of managerial terms in the management of projects, programs, portfolios, risks, enterprise architecture, security and privacy, and more:

  • PRINCE2®, MSP®, MoP®
  • MoR®, ISMS, GDPR, ZokB
  • TOGAF®, ArchiMate®, ITIL &  ITSM
prince2 ios android

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 6362 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Martina B.
  • 13.12.24
  • Aricoma Digital, s.r.o.

Lukáš jako vždycky perfektní. Skvělý výklad a přístup.

  • Klara S.
  • 13.12.24
  • Aricoma Digital s.r.o.

Skvěle strávený čas, výborně vysvětlené metodiky a její využití a porovnání s praxí. 

  • Vladislav S.
  • 14.10.24
  • CGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o.

Náročné, ale inspirující.

  • Kateřina L.
  • 02.09.24
  • Onlio

Kurz pomůže s přípravou na schůzku + pomůže si metodiku použít v praxi.

  • Ivana K.
  • 17.05.24

Kurz mi pomohl ujasnit si, které části metodiky můžu aplikovat v našem týmu. Velmi oceňuji workshopy. a probírání praktických problémů.

  • Miroslava B.
  • 26.04.24

Školitel výborný, vysvětlil vše jasně, stručně, výstižně a v příkladech. Celkově kurz hodnotím jako výborný.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 12.04.24

Výborná - zejména závěrečná část - týmově nad otázkami testu.

  • Jitka S.
  • 12.04.24

Výborný kurz. Jako nejlepší přínos hodnotím používání Mira a přístup k simulaci.

  • Jitka P.
  • 12.04.24

Kurz se mi líbil, teoretické dovednosti byly ověřeny praktickými učeními. DOufám, že budou stačit na zvládnutí certifikace.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 12.01.24

Výborný kurz. Kurz je přínosný, obsah se nedrží harmonogramu, ale víc věnuje cvičení metodiky, což je mnohem přínosnější.

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We are available at +420 222 553 101 Always Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.

*items marked with an asterisk are mandatory

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