SCRUM Developer

We will teach you everything. From the basics of project development to advanced techniques of Agile software engineering. All this on practical hands-on examples of SCRUM Principles and eXtreme Programming (XP).

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Target audience

The SCRUM Product Developer (SCD ™) course will be a huge benefit for software developers and testers who want to take advantage of agile development on their projects. Graduates of this course will learn agile principles, including User Stories and Development Planning.

  • Developers
  • Software Architects, Developers
  • Technical Engineers, Analysts & Testers
Target audience

Aims of the course

  • Prepare a stable software architecture
  • Quantify code quality, apply refactoring
  • Using XP techniques (Extreme Programming)
  • Ensure stable development with the help of the Test & Behavior Driven Development methodology

Why SCRUM Developer

"Design Pattern Developer Essentials" will teach you how to work with the basic set of "design pattern" that every developer should master. 

You will learn the principles and tips on how to write code faster and with fewer errors. All this using Extreme Programming (XP) procedures and other procedures:

  • Test-First Development
  • Refactoring & Emergent Design
  • Agile Problem - Solving Techniques
Why SCRUM Developer


You will definitely not be bored with us in the SCRUM Developer course

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we are the only ones who control the SCRUM Developer Essential methodological accelerator  On practical examples, you will see how you can insure faster and easier software development with this approach.

Forget about a boring lecture. You will solve practical examples, technical exercises. All in the spirit of Agile Manifesto. SCRUM Approved Trainer will explain the benefits of case studies and practical examples from your own experience.



Day 1
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

SCRUM & Agile

  • Introduction to SCRUM
  • Examples of the role of the Developer
  • SCRUM Team vs. Developer

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

Role SCRUM Developer

  • Meetings: the role of the Implementation Team
  • Inputs, participation, outputs from meetings
  • Developer vs. Master a Product Owner

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:45

SCRUM Visualization

  • Visualization tools and techniques
  • The role of the Implementation Team in visualizations

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:30

SCRUM Business Value (BV)

  • Implementation of "BV" as a priority
  • Software development quality management
  • Classification of requirements, Return on investment

16:30 - 17:00

Conclusion Summary of the day

Day 2
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

SCRUM Development

  • Revision of the previous day
  • Deploying SCRUM from the SCRUM DEV role
  • The role of the implementation team in the implementation

10:30 - 09:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

User Story Workshop

  • Dependency analysis
  • Product Backlog: workload estimate
  • Use of Spikes for complex scenarios
  • ExtendingEpicstoStoriesin the project

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:45


  • Recap
  • Revision of the test

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:30

SCRUM Developer Certification

  • Final exam

This intensive course will teach you to project develop and effectively update stable software using the SCRUM framework.

You will learn to work in Sprints, apply the most advanced engineering techniques used by successful organizations around the world.

We will show you how to develop existing applications and add new features thanks to the effective Product Backlog.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 16 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites

    As a prerequisite for this course, we recommend the SCRUM Foundation course, in which you will learn the necessary principles and processes of agile methodology, including the project life cycle and all key roles.

Eduard Pitka

Project & Program & Portfolio Auditor & Lead Trainer

Author of many practical materials and templates for these and other methodologies from the Best Management Practice portfolio - Axelos, awarded EXIN Platinum Partner

  • 2018 - P3M3 Assesor
  • 2014 - MoP Approved Trainer
  • 2010 - PRINCE2, MSP Approved Trainer
  • 2007 - Senior Project Manager / Consultant

Mia Filipi

International accredited trainer in agile standards such as SCRUM, Kanban, or PRINCE2 Agile.

I have used these methodologies successfully on projects for leading internet portals in real estate, business, services and education. Recently, I focus on practical workshops that have a clear and measurable goal, benefits.

No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.

  • 2013 - PRINCE2 Lead Trainer
  • 2012 - 2013 - Agile SCRUM Master / Trainer
  • 2009 - ISO 9001 / 27001 Lead Auditor

Ivan Gašparovič

Professional ITIL, Agile, Project (PRINCE2, PMI), Programme, Portfolio Manager. 

Jiří Pilný

SCRUM Approved Trainer. Game Leader with a focus on Business Simulation, mastering methodologies in practical scenarios and workshops, the aim of which is to gain hands-on experience.

He gained extensive experience in his practice in managerial positions in public administration and the private sector. In recent years, he has focused mainly on projects at Microsoft and for several years managed projects in the Statutory City of Liberec.

15 years of experience with standards of IT Service Management, ITIL, project management. Game Leader for business simulations that will help you use the methodology to increase the applicability of standards in practice. His most successful projects include:

  • Office online
  • Parking Liberec
  • MS Tools for budget management, investments, subsidies
  • PRINCE2® Accelerator (SW solution according to PRINCE2 methodology)

Petr Valenta

Skills: tailoring best practices PRINCE2, Scrum, P3O, MSP a MoP včetně embedingu metodiky na konkrétní projekty. Zkušený coach, consultant, auditor voblasti realizace strategií a vedení lidí.


  • Agile consultant
  • Coach ICF / Auditor
  • Scrum Approved Trainer
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio
  • P3O trainer Project Program Portfolio Manager

SCRUM Developer exam

The topics in the exam are focused on acquiring technical and managerial skills that are necessary for the management of development or the development team of agile projects. The certification is aimed at software developers (programmers). The goal is to verify special engineering knowledge of building software in an agile environment.

Test parameters
  • Length: 90 min.
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Format: written test
  • Minimum success rate: 65% (26 of 40)
  • Books and electronic aids are not allowed
SCRUM Developer exam


Input prerequisites SCRUM Developer ™

The condition for participation in the exam is the completion of a 2-day SDC course at ATO (Accredited Training Organization) TAYLLORCOX. Complete beginners are recommended to complete the training in min. level:

  • SCRUM Intro ™
  • or ideally  SCRUM Foundation ™, SCRUM Master

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 1116 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.09.19
  • Škoda Auto


  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.09.19
  • RWE Supply & Trading

Oceňujem velikost skupiny (5 lidí) mali sme dostatečný priestor na diskuzi, uvedenie z praxe a vysvetlenie dotazov.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.09.19
  • O2

Kurz byl velmi srozumitelný a přizpůsobený lektorem složení účastníků.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.09.19
  • O2

Přínosný pohled na Scrum metodiku z pohledu developera, rozhodně jsem se nenudil.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 30.09.19
  • RWE Supply & Trading

Super, jen lepší stoly.

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