Cloud Operations on AWS

This course teaches system administrators, operators, and anyone performing day-to-day operations in the AWS Cloud how to install, configure, automate, monitor, secure, maintain, and troubleshoot the services, networks, and systems on AWS necessary to support business applications. The course also covers specific AWS features, tools, and best practices related to these functions.

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Who should take this course

  • System administrators and operators who are operating in the AWS Cloud
  • Informational technology workers who want to increase their system operations knowledge.
Who should take this course

What will you learn

  • Identify the AWS services that support the different phases of Operational Excellence, an AWS Well-Architected Framework pillar
  • Manage access to AWS resources using AWS accounts and organizations and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Maintain an inventory of in-use AWS resources by using AWS services, such as AWS Systems Manager, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS Config
  • Develop a resource deployment strategy using metadata tags, Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), and AWS Control Tower to deploy and maintain an AWS cloud environment
  • And much more

What experience you will need

  • Successfully completed the AWS Technical Essentials classroom training
  • A background in either software development or systems administration
  • Proficiency in maintaining operating systems at the command line, such as shell scripting in Linux environments or cmd/PowerShell in Windows
  • Basic knowledge of networking protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP)
What experience you will need


AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate is intended for system administrators in cloud operations roles to validate technical skills. Before you take this exam, we recommend you have:

  • A minimum of one year of hands-on experience with AWS technology
  • Experience deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS as well as implementing security controls and compliance requirements
  • Familiarity with using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework as well as AWS networking and security services¨

Price of the certification exam is not included in the price of the course.

What does it take to earn this certification?

To earn this certification, you’ll need to take and pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam. The exam features a combination of three possible question formats, including multiple choice, multiple response, and exam labs. Exam labs allow you to showcase your skills by building solutions using the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Additional information, such as the exam content outline and passing score, is in the exam guide.

Download the exam guide »

Review sample questions that demonstrate the format of the questions used on this exam and include rationales for the correct answers.

Download the sample questions »

Format: 65 scoring opportunities that may be multiple choice, multiple response, or exam lab

Delivery method: Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored exam


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