CASP+ is the only hands-on, performance-based certification for practitioners — not managers — at the advanced skill level of cybersecurity. While cybersecurity managers help identify what cybersecurity policies and frameworks could be implemented, CASP+ certified professionals figure out how to implement solutions within those policies and frameworks.

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Target Audience

  • Security Engineer 
  • Application Security Engineer
  • Technical Lead Analyst
  • Security Architect
Target Audience

Course Objectives

  • Analyze security risks and frameworks that come along with specific industry threats and organizational requirements and execute risk mitigation strategies.
  • Integrate network and security components and implement security controls for host, mobile and small form factor devices. 
  • Implement incident response and recovery procedures and conduct security assessments using appropriate tools. 
  • Integrate hosts, storage, networks and applications into a secure enterprise architecture using on-premise, cloud, and virtualization technologies.
  • Apply research methods to determine industry trends and their impact to the enterprise.


CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) is the ideal certification for technical professionals who wish to remain immersed in technology, as opposed to strictly managing.

Why is CASP+ Different?

CASP+ is the only hands-on, performance-based certification for practitioners — not managers — at the advanced skill level of cybersecurity. While cybersecurity managers help identify what cybersecurity policies and frameworks could be implemented, CASP+ certified professionals figure out how to implement solutions within those policies and frameworks.



CompTIA CASP+Certificaiton | CompTIA Accredited


  • Number of questions:  Maximum of 90 questions
  • Type of Questions:Multiple-choice and performance-based
  • Duration: 165 Minutes
  • Passing Score: This test has no scaled score; it’s pass/fail only. 
  • Recommended Experience: A minimum of ten years of experience in IT administration, including at least five years of hands-on technical security experience. 
  • Languages: English, Japanese
  • Validity: 3 years after launch of certification

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