CompTIA Cloud Essentials+

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is the only internationally recognized, vendor-neutral certification utilizing key business principles and fundamental cloud concepts that validate data-driven cloud recommendations. It stands alone in this field by demonstrating that all necessary staff members – not just the IT specialists – understand how to increase efficiency, manage costs, and reduce security risks for organizations whenever tasked with making current cloud technology decisions.

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Target Audience

  • New Data Center Staff
  • Technical Support Staff
  • Business Process Owners
  • Managed Service Provider Personnel
  • Sales and Marketing Staff in cloud product or service management
comptia cloud essentials tayllorcox

Course Objectives

  • Understand risk management and response concepts related to cloud services 
  • Identify and employ appropriate cloud assessments like feasibility studies, benchmarking, or gap analysis.
  • Explain cloud principles, identify cloud networking concepts and storage techniques, and understand cloud design aspects.
  • Explain aspects of operating within the cloud, such as data management or optimization and understand the role of DevOps in cloud environments.

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+

Why is Cloud Essentials+ Different? 

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is the only internationally recognized, vendor-neutral certification utilizing key business principles and fundamental cloud concepts that validate data-driven cloud recommendations. It stands alone in this field by demonstrating that all necessary staff members – not just the IT specialists – understand how to increase efficiency, manage costs, and reduce security risks for organizations whenever tasked with making current cloud technology decisions. CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ will show that successful candidates: 

  • Have the knowledge and understanding of the foundational business and technical components included in a cloud assessment 
  • Understand specific security concerns and measures 
  • Comprehend new technology concepts, solutions, and benefits to an organization
comptia cloud essentials tayllorcox


CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certificaiton | CompTIA Accredited


  • Number of questions:  Maximum of 75 questions 
  • Type of Questions: Multiple choice
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Passing Score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)
  • Recommended Experience: Between six months to a year of work experience as a business analyst in an IT environment with some exposure to cloud technologies
  • Languages: English
  • Validity: 3 years after launch of certiciation


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