CompTIA IT Fundamentals

CompTIA ITF+ helps professionals to decide if a career in IT is right for them or to develop a broader understanding of IT.

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Target Audience

  • Students considering a career in IT.
  • Marketing, sales and operations staff in IT-based organizations.
  • Professionals working in fields that require a broad understanding of IT.
CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) TAYLLORCOX

Course Objectives

  • Using features and functions of common operating systems and establishing network connectivity
  • Identifying common software applications and their purpose
  • Using security and web browsing best practices

CompTIA ITF+ Benefits

In 2017, nearly 5.4 million individuals worked as technology professionals across the U.S., representing an increase of 2.1%, or nearly 110,000 net new jobs. CompTIA ITF+ will help you determine if this is the field for you.

Twelve years ago, technology spending outside of IT was 20 percent of total technology spending; it will become almost 90 percent by the end of the decade, according to Gartner, Inc. All workers need fundamental IT skills to use these technologies.

CompTIA IT Fundamentals TAYLLORCOX


ITF+ Certificaiton | CompTIA Accredited


  • Number of questions:  Maximum of 75 questions
  • Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Passing Score: 650 (on a scale of 900)
  • Recommended Experience: No prior experience necessary
  • Languages: English
  • Validity: 3 years after launch of certification

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