RecoverPoint Administration

This course is designed to prepare personnel to manage RecoverPoint. This course includes coverage of Classic RecoverPoint and RecoverPoint with VNX (formerly known as RecoverPoint/SE).
This course covers product concepts and theory as well as available Operations within RecoverPoint including configuring protection, failover and recovery as well as how to manage and maintain a RecoverPoint environment using the tools available.
There are hands-on labs covering: Configuration of Consistency Groups and replication and maintenance tasks such as failover and recovery. The course also addresses troubleshooting of general deployment and implementation issues.

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Taget group

This course is intended for any learners who intend to manage a RecoverPoint solution.

Taget group

What will you learn

  • Describe the RecoverPoint System, Options, Components and
  • Explain the concept of a RecoverPoint Consistency Group and
    RecoverPoint Data Flow
  • Describe the RecoverPoint management options and Installation tools
  • Describe the factors to consider when planning RecoverPoint Replication
  • Create and manage Consistency Groups using Unisphere for
  • Perform data protection tasks available with Unisphere for
  • Describe the steps required to use the System Analysis Tools for

Course structure

Module: RecoverPoint Concepts

  • RecoverPoint Overview
  • RecoverPoint System Architecture
  • RecoverPoint Constructs
  • RecoverPoint Data Flow
  • RecoverPoint Management Options

Module: RecoverPoint Management

  • RecoverPoint Administration Tasks
  • Replication Planning
  • Consistency Group Management
  • XtremIO Consistency Groups Settings
  • MetroPoint Consistency Groups
  • RecoverPoint Integration

Module: RecoverPoint Operations

  • Working with Images
  • Recovery Operations
  • Modifying Consistency Groups

Module: RecoverPoint Systems Analysis

  • RecoverPoint Systems Analysis Tools
  • Gathering RecoverPoint Information in the CLI
Course structure


To understand the content and successfully complete this course, a student must have a suitable knowledgebase/skill set. The student must have an understanding of:

  • Storage networking infrastructures and concepts
  • Fundament Knowledge of the RecoverPoint Product

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