Digital Marketing Professional

In this course you will learn key digital marketing disciplines. From PPC to SEO, Content to Video, Social and Analytics. Perfect for career switchers, business owners and all marketing professionals seeking to boost their skills.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Filtrování nabídky kurzů

Měna | EUR


Target Audience

  • Entrepreneurs and small businesses owners.
  • Marketers working in Management and Senior Management.
  • Anyone hoping to implement an up to date digital strategy for their company.
  • Those in traditional marketing careers who are looking to update their skillset.
  • Those who have just graduated and want to hit the ground running and up their skills in digital marketing immediately.

Target Audience

Course Objectives

  • Create compelling digital display campaigns
  • Create a cohesive digital marketing strategy for your business
  • Find your audience using the right media and make your followers grow
  • Capture, segment and manage subscribers for fruitful email marketing campaigns
  • Drive the right traffic to your website through smarter Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • Make your website visible to more humans thanks to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques
  • Discover what works by measuring and optimizing social media campaigns and then discover what works even better

About the course

This course consists of approximately 30-hours of course content. You have up to 24 weeks to complete the course, during which time you can access your course content wherever and whenever you want. Average completion time is between 8-10 weeks.

By earning this digital marketing certification, you will:
  • Understand the key concepts of digital marketing, how it has changed customer behavior and the implications for your role and the wider business.
  • Achieve business goals by understanding how to devise, implement and measure digital campaigns that engage and convert.
  • Understand the importance of digital marketing strategies and know how to use SEO online and offline, social media marketing, paid search (Google Ads - PPC), content, advertising and email to drive customer engagement.

The digital marketing course is not technical, in the sense that it is not a programming course, and you will not have to learn any coding. The DMI Pro course focuses on the commercial aspect of online marketing.

About the course



  • Introduction to Digital Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Paid Search (PPC) Using Google Ads

  • Display and Video Advertising

  • Email Marketing

  • Website Optimization

  • Analytics Using Google Analytics

  • Digital Marketing Strategy

The DMI PRO course has been designed to help you improve your knowledge of online digital marketing, strategy and measurement.

  • Délka bloku 60 minut
  • Vyučovacích hodin 30 hodin
  • Občerstvení No
  • Zkouška Yes
  • Předpoklady


Exam Format

The Assessment is a three hour exam. These are administered by our testing partner, Pearson Vue, via its global network of test centres.

The exam is split into three sections. Candidates need to achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the exam. Your examination fee is included in the price but subsequent re-sits due to failed attempts will incur a fee of approximately €60 or local currency equivalent payable directly to Pearson Vue when you book your repeat attempt.

Exam Format


Certified Digital Marketing Professional

This certificate is recognized globally.

The Digital Marketing Institute is the global certification body for Digital Marketing education and this certification is highly sought after by employers around the world.

The DMI Pro qualification has been credit rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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