ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value Certificate

ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value Certificate


This module covers all forms of engagement and interaction between service providers and their customers, users, suppliers and partners.

It empowers candidates and organisations to deliver exceptional value by focusing on the conversion of demand into tangible benefits through IT-enabled services. By facilitating effective stakeholder management, digital professionals are better able to target stakeholders with the right service offerings and value propositions, distinguishing themselves and their organisations within a competitive and demanding environment.

The module touches further upon the customer journey, allowing candidates to shape customer demand, manage relationships and optimise the customer experience. It will also enable candidates to increase stakeholder satisfaction by co-creating value and developing mutually agreed requirements, providing the necessary tools to foster an advantageous culture of collaboration and transparency. 

The ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value module drives IT professionals to further interact with their stakeholders and influence and improve the user experience across a much wider framework. This unique module is designed to enhance the careers of digitally experienced candidates, by expanding their knowledge and boosting their existing skillsets in an increasingly digital service economy.

Important Notice: Accredited training for the ITIL Managing Professional modules is mandatory to enable full understanding of the core material. Accredited training can only be purchased as part of a package that includes the exam. All modules have ITIL 4 Foundation as a pre-requisite.


  • ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management OR ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Transition Certificate
  • Training through an Accredited Training Organisation
  • Price excl. VAT: 14 790 Kč
    Price incl. VAT: 17 895,9 Kč
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ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup> 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value Certificate

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