ITIL® Guide to Software and IT Asset Management - Second Edition

This is the most practical, comprehensive, and authoritative guide to software and IT asset management on the market. Many industry experts contributed to this major revision of the original ITIL SAM Guide (Software Asset Management,2003) to reflect the changing world of processes, technology (e.g. cloud, BYOD, and tools), standards, and much more. 
It is essential reading for anybody involved in the acquisition, development, operation, management, use or retirement of IT assets. 

This guide can help organizations achieve major benefits in risk management, cost reduction, enhanced security and improved service delivery. It will facilitate the integration of SAM/ITAM with service management and information security management while linking to organizational objectives. To do this, the guide gives structured and clear explanations of complex topics, with frequent real-life examples, key messages, and checklists.

Key benefit updates
  • Organizations will benefit from costs savings, risk management, licence compliance, and enhanced security, thereby improving the value delivered to customers
  • Cost-saving opportunities outlined
  • Metrics for SAM and ITAM included
  • Updated standards and completely rewritten from the first edition
  • Numerous real-life examples, key messages and checklists highlighted throughout the text
  • Aligned to all recent best practice guidance
  • Appendices with practical guidance
  • References to ITIL Practitioner
  • Emphasizes sustainability for a SAM/ITAM programme

  • Price excl. VAT: 1 182 Kč
    Price incl. VAT: 1 182 Kč
  • On request
  • Send request
ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Guide to Software and IT Asset Management - Second Edition

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