Managing Successful Programmes Pocketbook

Part of the course

The 2011 Edition of the 'Managing Successful Programmes Pocketbook' provides a quick reference guide for using the Managing Successful Programmes framework effectively. Designed as an aide memoire, it summarises the key content of the Managing Successful Programmes guide.

The 2011 Edition of MSP combines rigour and flexibility, helping all organizations - public sector and private, large and small - achieve successful outcomes from their programme management time and time again. With change a pressing reality for all organizations, successful programme management has never been more vital to success.

Key features of the MSP Pocketbook include:

  • Summarises the best practice approach to designing and running programmes to implement business change.

  • Covers the principles and themes behind good programme management that run through a process of transformational flow; from identifying a programme, through managing stages of delivery, to closing it down.

  • Revisions to the 4th edition of MSP that capture the latest thinking on programme management best practice.

  • The sections on quality, benefits and risk and issue management have been significantly overhauled to give them a better programme focus, including new guidance on assurance.

  • Updated guidance on business change managers, tranches and configuration management.

  • Supersedes ISBN 9780113310654.

  • Price excl. VAT: 200 Kč
    Price incl. VAT: 200 Kč
  • On request
  • Send request
Managing Successful Programmes Pocketbook

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