MoP® Practitioner

MoP® Practitioner Certificate in Portfolio Management


Management of Portfolios® provides an overview of portfolio management, the principles upon which it is based, some of the techniques used, and how you can get started and sustain progress. It advices on and shows examples of how to apply principles, practices, and techniques that help optimize an organization’s investment in change.

Target group

Management of Portfolios® Practitioner is relevant to all those involved in the selection and delivery of business change initiatives including:

  • Members of Management Boards and Directors of Change
  • Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
  • portfolio, program, project, business change and benefits managers
  • business case writers and project appraisers

Management of Portfolios® Practitioner is the follow-up on the Management of Portfolios® Foundation and part of the Best Management Practice Portfolio.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

Legend for coverage

MoP® Foundation

Exam content

  • Define the business case to get senior management approval for portfolio management
  • Plan the implementation of portfolio management
  • Select and adapt MoP® principles, practices and techniques to suit different organizational environments
  • Evaluate examples of MoP® information (including documents and role descriptions)
  • Analyze the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario

Exam Details
Number of questions: 80
Pass mark: 50% (40 out of 80)
Open book: MoP® Guide only
Electronic devices permitted: No

  • Price excl. VAT: 13 000 Kč
    Price incl. VAT: 15 730 Kč
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MoP<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Practitioner

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