NSE4 – FortiGate II Infrastructure

In this two-day course, you will learn how to use advanced FortiGate networking and security. Topics include features commonly applied in complex or larger enterprise or MSSP networks, such as advanced routing, virtual firewalls – VDOMs, transparent mode, redundant infrastructure, dial-up and site-to-site IPsec VPN, SSO, web proxy, and diagnostics.

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Target group

Networking and security professionals involved in the design, implementation, and administration of a security infrastructure using FortiGate appliances.
This course assumes knowledge of basic yet FortiGate-specific fundamentals. As a result, if you know about firewalls, but are new to Fortinet, we do not recommend that you skip FortiGate I.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Analyze a FortiGate’s routing table.
  • Route packets using policy-based and static routes for multi-path and load balanced deployments.
  • Configure SD-WAN to load balance traffic between multiple WAN links effectively.
  • Inspect traffic transparently, forwarding as a Layer 2 device.
  • Divide FortiGate into two or more virtual devices, each operating as an independent FortiGate, by configuring virtual domains (VDOMs).
  • Establish an IPsec VPN tunnel between two FortiGate appliances.
  • Compare policy-based to route-based IPsec VPN.
  • Implement a meshed or partially redundant VPN.
  • Diagnose failed IKE exchanges.
  • Offer Fortinet Single Sign On (FSSO) access to network services, integrated with Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Deploy FortiGate devices as an HA cluster for fault tolerance and high performance.
  • Deploy implicit and explicit proxy with firewall policies, authentication, and caching.
  • Diagnose and correct common problems.

Course structure

  • Routing
  • Virtual Networking
  • Transparent Mode
  • High Availability
  • Advanced IPsec VPN
  • IPS
  • FSSO
  • Certificate Operations
  • DLP
  • Diagnostics
  • Hardware Acceleration
  • IPv6
Course structure


This is part of the courses that prepare you for the NSE4 certification exam.

To order this certification, please go to Pearson VUE.

Price of the certification exam is not included in the price of the course.


  • Knowledge of OSI layers
  • Good knowledge of firewalling concepts in an IPv4 network
  • Familiarity with all topics presented in the prerequisite FortiGate I course

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

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