Master the art of building, packaging and running container-based applications with an open container ecosystem, and learn how to deploy those applications at scale using Kubernetes. In this course, you will learn about the open container ecosystem and how to run, operate and troubleshoot containers. You will also learn how to build container images and use tools such as Buildah, Podman and Skopeo. You will become familiar with the basics of container networking and explore different storage concepts. The course will also teach you how to build and deploy a microservices stack with Docker Compose as well as how to deploy containers in production. It will also discuss Kubernetes key concepts and walk you through the process of writing Kubernetes native pipelines with Tekton.
Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.
Zkuste živý kurz virtuálněThe course is designed for Software Developers, Quality Assurance Engineers, and anyone else looking to build a solid foundation on container technologies and understand the open container ecosystem as a whole.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to package and deliver applications as containers, master the art of writing Dockerfiles, and use containers technology for quality assurance to deploy container-based workloads in development, QA and production environments with technologies such as Docker Compose, Kubernetes, GitOps, etc.
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