Fundamentals of Linux

Linux powers nearly all of the world’s supercomputers, most of the servers powering the Internet, the majority of financial trades worldwide and billions of Android devices. In short, Linux is everywhere. This instructor-led course will give you a good working knowledge of Linux, from both a graphical and command line perspective, allowing you to easily navigate through any of the major Linux distributions.
In this course you will learn about the history of Linux, how to install Linux, how to use the Graphical User Interface, how to control Linux using the command line, basic Linux security, and much more.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

This class is designed for people who have little or no prior experience with Linux or Unix. System administrators, developers, architects, decision makers or new Linux users can all benefit from the content covered in this class, especially if they are looking to work with more involved topics such as Linux system administration, network management and enterprise system architecture.

Target group

Course structure

  • Introduction
  • Preliminaries
  • Linux Philosophy and Concepts
  • Linux Installation
  • Graphical Interface
  • System Configuration from the Graphical Interface
  • Finding Linux Documentation
  • Common Applications
  • Text Editors
  • Boot Process Command-line Operations
  • User Environment
  • Text Operations
  • File Operations
  • Bash Shell Scripting
  • Processes
  • Printing
  • Networking
  • Local Security Principles
  • Closing and Evaluation Survey


This course will provide you with a good working knowledge of Linux, from both a graphical and command line perspective, preparing you to easily navigate through any of the major Linux distributions.


Jak kurz hodnotí absolventi?

V čem jsou naše reference výjimečné? Nejsou to jednorázové akce. K nám se lidé vrací rádi a nezavírají před námi dveře.

Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

Vaše hodnocení

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Zavolejte nám a my vám poradíme.

Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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