Introduction to FinOps

In this course you will learn about the impacts DevOps and cloud have had on how IT costs are managed, what FinOps is and how it can address some of these impacts, the considerations that go into forming a FinOps team within an organization, the scope of the capabilities a FinOps team would perform to achieve the cloud use goals of the organization, how the FinOps Foundation can help with best practices and support, and more.

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

This course is addressed to a wide audience including technical professionals (IT, DevOps, engineers, architects), finance, procurement, and accounting professionals, business unit or product managers, and executives.

Target group

Course structure

  • Chapter 1. What is FinOps?
  • Chapter 2. Why FinOps?
  • Chapter 3. Culture Change & FinOps Teams
  • Chapter 4. FinOps Lifecycle


This course will prepare product teams to be more responsive to customer demand, for DevOps teams to build faster and better, and for cloud spend to be managed tightly. You will understand how to build a culture of accountability around cloud use that lets your organization make good, timely, data-backed decisions in the cloud, not just to save money, but to make money.

We now depend on cloud to deliver digital value to customers. But DevOps and cloud have broken traditional procurement. Learn how FinOps gets IT, business and finance working together to leverage cloud to innovate, deliver and make money in this free course.

To make the most of this course, you must have:

  • A basic level of working knowledge about at least one of the major cloud providers.
  • An understanding of basic terminology of the cloud.
  • Have a basic level of understanding of IT finance terminology.

Jak kurz hodnotí absolventi?

V čem jsou naše reference výjimečné? Nejsou to jednorázové akce. K nám se lidé vrací rádi a nezavírají před námi dveře.

Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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