Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259) + CKAD Exam Bundle

This course will teach you how to containerize, host, deploy, and configure an application in a multi-node cluster. Starting with a simple Python script, you will define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor and troubleshoot scalable applications in Kubernetes. Working with network plugins, security and cloud storage, you will be exposed to many of the features needed to deploy an application in a production environment.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

This certification is for Kubernetes engineers, cloud engineers and other IT professionals responsible for building, deploying, and configuring cloud native applications with Kubernetes.

  • The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) can design, build and deploy cloud-native applications for Kubernetes.
  • A CKAD can define application resources and use Kubernetes core primitives to create/migrate, configure, expose and observe scalable applications.

The successful candidate will be comfortable:

  • working with (OCI-compliant) container images
  • applying Cloud Native application concepts and architectures
  • working with and validating Kubernetes resource definitions
Target group

Course structure

  • Chapter 1. Course Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Kubernetes Architecture
  • Chapter 3. Build
  • Chapter 4. Design
  • Chapter 5. Deployment Configuration
  • Chapter 6. Understanding Security
  • Chapter 7. Exposing Applications
  • Chapter 8. Application Troubleshooting

Labs info

For hands-on lab exercises, access to a Linux server or Linux desktop/laptop is required. Access to a public cloud provider, or VirtualBox on your machine is also needed. Lab exercises in this course have been tested in a GCP environment.If using a cloud provider like GCP or AWS, you should be able to complete the lab exercises using the free tier or credits provided to you. However, you may incur charges if you exceed the credits initially allocated by the cloud provider.

Before starting this course, you should be familiar with:

  • Linux concepts and command line – We recommend Introduction to Linux, a free edX course
  • Package managers
  • Git and GitHub
  • We recommend Introduction to Kubernetes, a free edX course, as a good start for your Kubernetes journey
Labs info

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