LPIC-1 Linux Administrator

On this LPIC-1: Linux Administrator course, you will build knowledge on the skills to provide you with the basic hardware, software, and networking skills necessary for an entry-level Linux role.

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Target Group

This course is for anyone who:

  • wishes to learn Linux
  • wants to become a Linux and IT professional
  • wants to prepare for the LPIC-1 certification exams 101-102, regardless of previous experience
Target Group

Course objectives

  • Linux security
  • Networking fundamentals
  • Shells, scripting and data management
  • Install, configure, maintain and manage Linux effectively
  • Learn about devices, Linux Filesystems, and Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

About LPIC-1

LPIC-1 is the first certification in the multi-level Linux professional certification program of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). The LPIC-1 will validate the candidate's ability to perform maintenance tasks on the command line, install and configure a computer running Linux and configure basic networking.

The LPIC-1 is designed to reflect current research and validate a candidate's proficiency in real world system administration. The objectives are tied to real-world job skills, which LPI determine through job task analysis surveying during exam development.

LPIC-1 Tayllorcox



Topic 101: System Architecture

Topic 102: Linux Installation and Package Management

Topic 103: GNU and Unix Commands

Topic 104: Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Topic 105: Shells and Shell Scripting

Topic 106: User Interfaces and Desktops

Topic 107: Administrative Tasks

Topic 108: Essential System Services

Topic 109: Networking Fundamentals

Topic 110: Security

In 6 days, you will immerse yourself in the architecture of a Linux system, and learn how to install, manage and maintain a Linux workstation, including X11 and set it up as a network client. 

  • Délka bloku 60 minut
  • Vyučovacích hodin 48 hodin
  • Občerstvení Yes
  • Zkouška Exams 101 and 102
  • Předpoklady



LPIC-1 Linux Administrator | LPI Accredited 


Prerequisites: None

Validity: 5 years unless retaken or higher level is achieved.

Requirements: Passing the 101 and 102 exams. Each 90-minute exam is 60 multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.

Exam info >

LPIC-1 Exam

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