CMS350 – Configuration Management System Advanced

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts and applications of the Micro Focus Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB). Participants learn visualization and mapping techniques to build business service views

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Course structure

  • Use multiple tenants using the Multitenancy feature
  • Integrate multiple Configuration Management Databases (CMDBs) and explain the integration components and process
  • Use advanced modelling techniques and change the composite CI for the Universal CMDB (UCMDB) browser and Configuration Manager
  • Explain the reconciliation process and use identification rules
  • Develop new adapters: discovery and integration
  • Use UCMDB data in your adapters
  • Develop your own Jython scripts for your adapter
  • Develop your own Generic database adapter and federate data into UCMDB or populate UCMDB with data
  • Develop your own Java integration adapter
  • Use the UCMDB API for Java adapters
  • Develop your own XML push adapters
  • Explain the Web Services push adapter
  • Develop Java code using the UCMDB API
  • Use the UCMDB Java API for querying and populating the UCMDB
  • Develop your own Web Services client
Course structure

What will you learn

  • visualization and mapping techniques to build business service views
  •  implement change tracking
  • perform impact analysis
  • enrichment of topology data and reporting


This course also covers the CMS UI, which provide a different end-user perspective to analyze and consume UCMDB data. The discussions and scenario-based exercises reinforce skills to optimize business outcomes through the efficient use of the Micro Focus UCMDB Server and CMS UI.


Jak nás hodnotí

V čem jsou naše reference výjimečné? Nejsou to jednorázové akce. K nám se lidé vrací rádi a nezavírají před námi dveře.

Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

Vaše hodnocení

Nejste si jisti, zda je tento kurz pro vás?

Zavolejte nám a my vám poradíme.

Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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