UCMDB120 – Universal CMDB Essentials

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts and applications of the Micro Focus Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB). Participants learn visualization and mapping techniques to build business service views

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What will you learn

  • visualization and mapping techniques to build business service views
  •  implement change tracking
  • perform impact analysis
  • enrichment of topology data and reporting

Course structure

  • Define CMS, the advantages and key features
  • Define the capabilities and features of UCMDB
  • Define the integration and architecture of UCMDB
  • Identify the key features of the CMS UI
  • Navigate through the CMS UI
  • Search using the CMS UI
  • Create service models and reports using the CMS UI
  • Identify and manage UCMDB OOTB reports
  • Define the IT Universe Manager, views, and CIs
  • Identify IT Universe Manager common tasks
  • Define the UCMDB class model, components, and navigation
  • Work with the Modeling Studio Interface
  • Define Topology Query language (TQL) concepts
  • Build TQLs with attribute, cardinality, element type, and identity conditions
  • Use the Add Related Query Node wizard
  • Define the different types of views and templates
  • Identify the types of models and perspectives
  • Navigate the Impact Analysis Manager
  • Define and run impact analysis
  • Implement policy management via the CMS UI
  • Navigate and work with the Enrichment Manager
  • Define and run enrichments
  • Identify UCMDB integrations
  • Navigate the Integration Studio
  • Configure integration point and integration job
  • Understand the reconciliation process
  • Describe the reconciliation types


To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • General knowledge of IT operations, familiarity with business services, and the service management.
  • Familiarity with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) V3 Foundations subject area.
  • Background in network or enterprise application administration and knowledge of enterprise architectures in a production IT infrastructure.

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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