Red Hat Agile Integration Technical Overview (DO040)

Red Hat Agile Integration Technical Overview (DO040) provides a technical introduction to Red Hat’s comprehensive set of integration and messaging technologies. Through a series of no-cost, on-demand, online videos, you will explore how to connect applications and data across hybrid infrastructures

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

  • System administrators, architects, and developers
  • Application administrators and developers
Target group

Course structure

  •  Introduction to Red Hat Agile Integration and Red Hat OpenShift®
  •  Discussion and demonstration of Red Hat AMQ, a flexible messaging platform that delivers information reliably, enabling real-time integration
  • Discussion and demonstration of Red Hat Fuse, a distributed, cloud-native integration platform
  • Discussion and demonstration of Red Hat 3Scale, which makes cloud-native development simpler and more flexible
  • Combining the previous demonstrations using Red Hat’s integration portfolio


Through a series of no-cost, on-demand, online videos, you will explore how to connect applications and data across hybrid infrastructures.

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