Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 New Features for Experienced Administrators (RH354)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 New Features for Experienced Linux Administrators (RH354) introduces you to updates in the upcoming Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® release. Intended for experienced Linux system administrators, this course offers a rapid orientation to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 based on the pre-release beta. The offering prepares operators, managers, principal system administrators, and other IT professionals with experience in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for deployments and migrations to the new release.

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Target group

This course is designed to provide a preview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 to experienced IT professionals, including:

  • Linux system administrators
  • DevOps engineers
  • Cloud administrators
Target group

Course structure

  • Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 using the new packaging, modularity, and appstream features.
  • Upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 using new tools.
  • Perform integrated file system and volume management using Stratis.
  • Use Cockpit for system management.
  • Create system images with Composer.
  • Configure Identity Management using authselect.
  • Understand the Wayland graphical display server.
  • Deploy containers using the new integrated OCI runtime and tools.
  • Configure firewall rules that use the new NFT back end.

Course outline

Preview Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Describe the major improvements and feature enhancements in the upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 release.

Install and upgrade to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or upgrade an existing system from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Provision and manage servers

Prepare standardized systems by generating system images for deployment, managing them with remote web-based administration, and automating provisioning with Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles for Red Hat® Ansible Engine.

Adapt to core system changes

Manage core system components that have had significant changes in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Implement storage using new features

Explore the major enhancements in local and remote file system and volume management components.

Manage containers with the new runtime

Explain the new container runtime engine and tools that replace the Docker container engine.

Implement enhanced networking features

Describe the major enhancements in network packet processing and network device management.

Adapt to virtualization improvements

Learn to implement the new features and management tools for virtualization management.

Course outline

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