Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting with exam (RH343)

Students will learn how to apply the scientific method to a structured form of troubleshooting. This approach is then used troubleshooting various types of problems, including boot issues, hardware issues, storage issues, RPM issues, network issues, third-party application issues, security issues, and kernel issues. At the end of the course students can complete various comprehensive review labs to test their skills.

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Target group

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course is aimed at senior system administrators who wish to learn more about troubleshooting.

Target group

Course structure

  • Introduction to troubleshooting
  • Describe a generalized strategy for troubleshooting
  • Take proactive steps to prevent small issues
  • Prevent small issues from becoming large problems by employing proactive system administration techniques
  • Troubleshoot boot issues
  • Identify and resolve issues that can affect a system’s ability to boot
  • Identify hardware issues
  • Identify hardware problems that can affect a system’s ability to operate
  • Troubleshoot storage issues
  • Identify and fix issues related to storage
  • Troubleshoot RPM issues
  • Identify and fix problems in, and using, the package management subsystem
  • Troubleshoot network issues
  • Identify and resolve network connectivity issues
  • Troubleshoot application issues
  • Debug application issues
  • Deal with security issues
  • Identify and fix issues related to security subsystems
  • Troubleshoot kernel issues
  • Identify kernel issues and assist Red Hat Support in resolving kernel issues
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting comprehensive review
  • Practice and demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
  • Note: Course outline is subject to change with technology advances and as the nature of the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, please contact us. 


Red Hat recommends these prerequisites:

  • Required to have earned a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)
  • Recommended to have earned a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)

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