Red Hat JBoss AMQ Administration with exam (AD441)

Red Hat® JBoss® AMQ Administration (AD440) helps system administrators, architects, and developers acquire the skills they need to administer the message broker, Red Hat JBoss AMQ. Through numerous hands-on exercises, the student will create, configure, manage, and monitor broker instances including hardened, clustered brokers that provide high availability and failover.

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Target group

Red Hat JBoss AMQ, part of the Red Hat application integration suite, provides application administrators, software architects, and developers the ability to integrate disparate applications in a decoupled manner using enterprise messaging paradigms.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Install a JBoss AMQ 7 broker
  • Configure multicast and anycast addresses
  • Secure the AMQ broker for authentication and authorization
  • Cluster AMQ brokers
  • Monitor JBoss AMQ brokers


Providing a highly performant and robust message broker, router, and client libraries for numerous languages, Red Hat JBoss AMQ is the solution for asynchronous and synchronous messaging. Red Hat JBoss AMQ Administration (AD440) helps system administrators, architects, and developers acquire the skills they need to administer Red Hat JBoss AMQ.

Through numerous hands-on exercises, the student will create, configure, manage, and monitor broker instances including hardened, clustered brokers that provide high availability and failover.


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Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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