Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I with exam (AD249)

Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I teaches you the best practices for installing and configuring Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform 7. Through hands-on labs, learn the essential, real-world tasks that a system administrator needs to know to effectively manage applications on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

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Target group

System administrators who are either new to Red Hat JBoss or have experience with Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform 6.

Target group

Course content summary

  • Installing and run JBoss EAP 7 in standalone mode and domain mode
  • Configuring and managing a JBoss EAP domain
  • Deploying applications to JBoss EAP 7 in standalone and domain mode
  • Configuring the datasource subsystem
  • Configuring Java™ Message Service (JMS)
  • Configuring the logging subsystem
  • Configuring the web subsystem
  • Implementing application security in JBoss EAP 7
  • JVM configuration and tuning for JBoss EAP
  • Clustering JBoss EAP instances


  • Base experience with system administration on Microsoft Windows, UNIX, or Linux® operating systems
  • Understanding of hardware and networking

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