Accelerated Test Methods for Ground and Aerospace Vehicle Development

Accelerating your testing program sounds great, but how do you begin? This course starts by taking a look at statistical models for reliability testing. It looks specifically at how sample size and testing timeframe affect what you’re able to do versus what you’d ideally do with more time and money. It also explains the benefits, limitations, processes, and applications of several proven accelerated test methods, including accelerated reliability, step stress, FSLT (Full System Life Test), FMVT® (Failure Mode Verification Testing), HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening). Throughout the course, you’ll participate in an activity that allows you to identify failure modes, develop hypotheses, and select accelerated test methods for a product of your choice. It is recommended that you have access to a calculator during this course. Learners will also receive a copy of the instructor’s eBook, Accelerated Testing and Validation Management..

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Target group

This on-demand course is designed for anyone involved in product design, life testing, reliability testing, and validation for passenger cars, light trucks, heavy duty, off-highway or aerospace vehicles, including reliability engineers, validation engineers, design engineers, and their managers. Individuals who need to achieve shorter time to market or higher quality through custom test plans and purchasers or users of testing or engineering services will also find this course valuable. There are no prerequisites, although a technical background is helpful

Target group

What will you learn

  • Choose the accelerated test method for a given application
  • Analyze accelerated testing results
  • Explain how to accelerate your current test methods
  • Explain how to accelerate your validation program
  • Adjust accelerated test programs for business situations
  • Describe how product development cycles can be reduced from 18 to six months
  • Module 0: Course Introduction
  • Module I: Statistical Model for Reliability Testing
  • Module II: Key Accelerated Tests, Terms, and Methods
  • Module III: Full System Life Test (FSLT)
  • Module IV: Step Stress
  • Module V: Accelerated Reliability
  • Module VI: Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT)
  • Module VII: Failure Mode Verification Test (FMVT®)
  • Module VIII: Test Acceleration vs. Program Acceleration
  • Module IX: Hybrid Acceleration Methods
  • Module X: Decision and Selection Process

Materials provided

  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase) to the 10 hour presentation
  • 10 video modules (see Topics/Outline tab)
  • Integrated knowledge checks to reinforce key concepts
  • Online learning assessment (submit to SAE)
  • Course handbook (downloadable, .pdf’s)
  • Instructor follow up to your content questions
  • The eBook, Accelerated Testing and Validation Management by Alexander J. Porter
  • 1.1 CEU’s – Certificate of Achievement (with satisfactory learning assessment score)

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