Basics of Internal Combustion Engines

In your profession, an educated understanding of internal combustion engines is required, not optional. This course covers the most relevant topics for maximum comprehension, from the chemistry of combustion to the kinematics of internal components of the modern internal combustion engine. You will gain a practical, thorough approach to the basics of the most common designs of internal combustion engines as they apply to the gaseous cycles, thermodynamics, and heat transfer to the major components. The course also includes the design theories that embody these concepts. This 11-hour course is comprised of twelve modules that include the instructor’s insights and industry experience working with internal combustion engine design and application. The modules cover various topics including (but not limited to), two- and four-stroke cycles, principle operational differences of various fuels, timing and working relationships among internal components, limitations to current designs, and the evaluation of new designs..

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Target group

If you are a powertrain engineer, component supplier, vehicle platform powertrain development specialist, or involved in the application, design, or discussion of engines this course is for you. It is recommended that course participants have an undergraduate engineering degree.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Discuss in detail the basic functioning and component interaction in a modern internal combustion engine, specifically; two and four-stroke cycles as they relate to reciprocating and rotary engine designs
  • Describe the general thermodynamic concepts governing the operation of an internal combustion engine and its various cycles
  • Compare the principle operational differences of the various fuels used in internal combustion engines, their availability, and summarize the applicability of each
  • Discuss the function and operation of all major components and systems within a modern internal combustion engine
  • Identify the operational principles behind the timing and working relationships among all internal components, and articulate the importance of this inter-relationship
  • Recognize the limitations of the current designs and implementations of the modern internal combustion engine
  • Perform a basic assessment and evaluation of new, cutting-edge designs and new powertrain initiatives as they apply to the mobility industry

Course structure

  • Module 0: Course Overview and Materials
  • Module I: General Concepts 
  • Module II: Engine Types
  • Module III: Fundamental Operating Procedures
  • Module IV: Engine Technology
  • Module V: Thermodynamics
  • Module VI: Air/Fuel Delivery Systems
  • Module VII: Valve Train
  • Module VIII: Component and Event Timing
  • Module IX: Fuels and Combustion 
  • Module X: Ignition
  • Module XI: Emissions and Controls
Materials Provided
  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase) to the approximately 10 hour presentation
  • 12 video modules (see Topics/Outline tab)
  • Integrated knowledge checks to reinforce key concepts
  • Online learning assessment (submit to SAE)
  • Course handbook (downloadable, .pdf’s)
  • Follow up to your content questions
  • 1.1 CEUs*/Certificate of Achievement (upon completion of all course content and a score of 70% or higher on the learning assessment)
Course structure

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