Are you spending your work time where you should? To be effective and efficient requires thinking, teaming, and tactical skills. How are you using your skills and building those you need to successfully execute in your leadership role? Based on the book by bestselling author and award-winning speaker Laura Stack, Doing the Right Things Right: How the Effective Executive Spends Time, this course focuses on how today’s leaders and managers can obtain profitable, productive results by managing the intersection of two critical values: effectiveness and efficiency. Stack describes her 3T Leadership model which offers twelve practices that will enable executives to apply these values, grouped into three areas where leaders spend their time: Strategic Thinking, Teamwork, and Tactics
Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.
Zkuste živý kurz virtuálněThis course targets all levels of leaders who must use their time effectively and practice Strategic Thinking, Team Focus, and Tactical Work.
How the Effective Executive Spends Time
[Duration: 10 minutes]
The Three T Leadership Assessment
[Duration: 10 minutes]
Become a Productivity Pro
[Duration: 10 minutes]
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