GD&T Fundamentals Based on ASME Y14.5-2018

More specifically, the course gives an in-depth explanation of geometric tolerances, their symbols, tolerance zones, applicable modifiers, common applications, and limitations. It explains Rules #1 and #2, form and orientation controls, the datum system, tolerance of position (RFS and MMC), runout, and profile controls. It also compares GD&T to the directly tolerance dimensioning method and explains why GD&T is the preferred method for the location, orientation, and form of part features. The course includes 23 modules, with clear objectives, application examples, expert tips, and knowledge checks to help you learn and retain the concepts. You can review a section or module at any time to further improve your skills and confidence in applying the requirements in the ASME Y14.5-2018 Standard.

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Target group

This course is valuable for individuals who create or interpret engineering drawings, product and gage designers; process, product, and manufacturing engineers; supplier quality engineers/professionals; CMM operators; buyers/purchasers; checkers; inspectors; technicians; and sales engineers/professionals.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Explain the importance of standards on engineering drawings
  • Describe the types of dimensions, tolerances, and notes
  • Explain why geometric tolerancing is superior to coordinate tolerancing
  • Interpret the general dimensioning symbols
  • Define the key terms used in GD&T
  • Recognize the symbols and modifiers used in GD&T
  • Explain the rules used in GD&T
  • Describe the concepts of worst-case boundary, virtual condition, and bonus tolerance
  • Interpret the various types of tolerance (flatness, circularity, cylindricity, straightness, perpendicularity, parallelism, angularity, position, runout, and profile)
  • Describe the datum system
  • Interpret applications of datum targets, size datum features (RMB), and size datum features (MMB

Course structure

  • Drawing Standards
  • Dimensions, Tolerances, and Notes
  • Directly Toleranced Dimensions and Geometric Tolerances
  • Dimensioning Symbols
  • Key GD&T Terms
  • GD&T Symbols and Modifiers
  • GD&T Rules
  • GD&T Concepts
  • Flatness
  • Straightness
  • Circularity and Cylindricity
  • Datum System
  • Datum Targets
  • Size Datum Features – RMB
  • Size Datum Features – MMB
  • Orientation Tolerances
  • Position Tolerance – Introduction
  • Position Tolerance – RFS and MMC
  • Position Tolerance – Special Applications
  • Position Tolerance Calculations
  • Runout Tolerances – Circular and Total
  • Profile Tolerance – Basic Concepts
  • Tolerance Applications Profile
Materials Provided
  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase)
  • 23 video modules (see Topics/Outline tab)
  • Integrated knowledge checks to reinforce key concepts
  • Online learning assessment (submit to SAE)2.3 CEU’s*/Certificate of Achievement (with satisfactory learning assessment score)
Course structure

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